"I believe businesses can thrive in 2023 by focusing on unity, service and mental health awareness"
Brandon Turner Tweet
Meet Brandon Turner, a professional skateboarder, and owner of West Side Recovery.
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We are thrilled to have you join us today, welcome to ValiantCEO Magazine’s exclusive interview! Let’s start off with a little introduction. Tell our readers a bit about yourself and your company.
Brandon Turner: My name is Brandon Turner. I’m a professional skateboarder and owner of west side recovery Inc. I was born in SAN Diego California, and raised some time in Japan for my dad was in the Military. I had early success In my skateboarding career at the age of 13, turning pro at 18.
Which led me to endorsement deals and touring around the world. With the rock star lifestyle led me into getting into trouble with the law, a drug habit, and eventually prison. With the help of AA I was able to turn my life around. I opened west side recovery to help others who struggled with the same setbacks I experienced through my experience
2021 and 2022 threw a lot of curve balls into business on a global scale. Based on the experience gleaned in the past couple years, how can businesses thrive in 2023? What lessons have you learned?
Brandon Turner: I believe businesses can thrive in 2023 by focusing on unity, service, and mental health awareness. The lesson I’ve learned in 2022 is how to be prepared for change at any given moment.
The pandemic seems to keep on disrupting the economy, what should businesses focus on in 2023? What advice would you share?
Brandon Turner: I would say businesses should focus on client, staff, and public safety first. Having a precise dialogue of not being pressured to work or engage if not mentally and physically capable.
How has the pandemic changed your industry and how have you adapted?
Brandon Turner: The pandemic changed our industry for group therapy had to switch to telehealth, which had a huge effect on our clients, so we had to get creative to connect in a more effective way.
What advice do you wish you received when the pandemic started and what do you intend on improving in 2023?
Brandon Turner: The advice I wish I received is to make more time for your spiritual, physical, and mental health. I intend to continue to work on that myself and encourage others.
Online business surged higher than ever, B2B, B2C, online shopping, virtual meetings, remote work, Zoom medical consultations, what are your expectations for 2023?
Brandon Turner: My expectations for 2023 are for more and more businesses to start working from home.
How many hours a day do you spend in front of a screen?
Brandon Turner: I would say I spend about two and a half hours.
The majority of executives use stories to persuade and communicate in the workplace. Can you share with our readers examples of how you implement that in your business to communicate effectively with your team?
Brandon Turner: I believe that communication is key in any work environment. To stay on top of this, we have weekly scrum meetings with our staff and executive ones.
Business is all about overcoming obstacles and creating opportunities for growth. What do you see as the real challenge right now?
Brandon Turner: What I see as the real challenge in my industry for growth is removing stigma and educating the youth about how important insurance is for their physical and mental health.
In 2023, what are you most interested in learning about? Crypto, NFTs, online marketing, or any other skill sets? Please share your motivations.
Brandon Turner: In 2023 I’m interested in all technologies to reach as many people in the world as we can to let them know they are not alone in their struggles and have support.
A record 4.4 million Americans left their jobs in September in 2021, accelerating a trend that has become known as the Great Resignation. 47% of people plan to leave their job during 2022. Most are leaving because of their boss or their company culture. 82% of people feel unheard, undervalued and misunderstood in the workplace. Do you think leaders see the data and think “that’s not me – I’m not that boss they don’t want to work for? What changes do you think need to happen?
Brandon Turner: I think the changes that need to happen is more communication and connection in their workplace, such as weekly scrum meeting. Also not to abuse the positional leadership roles and work more as a team.
On a lighter note, if you had the ability to pick any business superpower, what would it be and how would you put it into practice?
Brandon Turner: My superpower would be to create an environment with therapy, arts , gym, skatepark, yoga, Pilates, music wellness center all over the world with resources for help and community.
What does “success” in 2023 mean to you? It could be on a personal or business level, please share your vision.
Brandon Turner: 2023 to me, means more growth, work, learning, unity, and connection. I believe all of us together can bring any vision to light, for we all have a story, and it needs to be told.
Jed Morley, VIP Contributor to ValiantCEO and the host of this interview would like to thank Brandon Turner for taking the time to do this interview and share his knowledge and experience with our readers.
If you would like to get in touch with Brandon Turner or his company, you can do it through his – Instagram
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