Collaborative leadership style is the best way to ensure organizational success, as it appreciates the importance of interpersonal relationships and cross-functional collaborations. According to Merriam-Websters: “A broad collaborative leadership style in which leaders encourage and enable colleagues to work productively together toward a common objective. The group often includes members of all ranks and levels of an organization, but at times the collaboration occurs among members of different departments or across the organizational spectrum.” This definition does not require that there be an exact balance between top-down direction and bottom-up empowerment, as in the case of a consultative or coaching leader.
Why is collaborative leadership style important?
Collaborative leadership style is the best way to achieve maximum results. It prevents silos, helps you carry out your project without any frictions, and blurs experience gaps among team members by giving everyone a chance to contribute their ideas for success of projects
Crucial behaviors of collaborative leaders
Silo “busting”
Worst of all, silos can be a major barrier to innovation, profitability, or customer satisfaction. Silos are present when departments do not communicate with one another within their own business organizations; they often lead to power struggles that result in loss productivity for companies which may misallocate resources if unable to correctly allocate them across multiple sectors.
Building trust
To create a trusting environment, it is important for leaders to communicate openly and honestly. This can be tricky as people often want the good news while omitting or sugar-coating the bad side of things in order not to hurt their feelings. However, this signals that you are underestimating them which will ultimately affect your relationship with them over time.

Psychological safety
Managers and team members need to be sensitive about their teammates’ feelings in order for the group to function as a whole.
Maintaining psychological safety is not only necessary but it’s also key when trying to create success within teams, due primarily because of its ability help foster trust among all parties involved.
Aligning body language
When interacting with others, be sure your tone of voice is professional. This means avoiding harsh or negative words and phrases like “shut up” and keeping a neutral posture to avoid coming across as aggressive when you are trying to communicate in an inviting way that invites dialogue.
Collaborative leadership style advantages
Stronger Team Relationships: Relationships within a team are crucial for the success of an organization, so it is essential that leaders foster strong relationships among their teammates. Leaders who establish this type of environment will see positive effects on employee satisfaction and loyalty as well as productivity in general.
Improved Productivity: As a team, you can achieve goals that benefit the company and your own personal well-being. The sense of belonging to something greater than yourself is an enormous motivator for increased productivity as not only does it help individuals find meaning in their work but also feel more connected with others who are sharing in this experience.

Improved Employee Morale: A leader will not impose their own ideas on the team, but listen closely to those around them. They encourage input from all levels of employees and are open-minded when it comes time for decision making.
Although collaboration is beneficial in all types of organizations, the most successful ones incorporate it into their overall leadership structure. To facilitate an effective and successful collaborative leadership style, all members must have an open and free mind. The absence of negative opinions will ensure that the team as a whole can find creative solutions to problems. Creativity and innovation are two important ingredients that will drive a business towards success.