CEO books are an excellent source of leadership training and inspirational words to motivate the people in your organization. The current economic recession has made every CEO look for ways to improve the company’s bottom line. The top companies spend lavishly on various programs to achieve that objective. Some of the programs include sales, advertising, customer service, and marketing.
A great insight into improving the business performance is contained in the renowned CEO Books. This article lists ten notable quotes every CEO should read. The books range from personal development to leadership, motivating, human resources, and management. They will surely provide you with new insight and leadership skills as you aspire to lead a company. Reading these inspiring books from a young age can prove to be an excellent platform to become an experienced CEO in the future.
The 48 laws of success
Another one of the top CEO books is “The 48 Laws of Success” by Robert Greene. The importance of leadership is widely recognized. In this book, Robert Greene presents his unique take on the laws of leadership. The book provides an overview of the 48 Laws of Success, including The Power of Perpetual Improvement, The Tao of Power, Emotion, The First Step to greatness, The Secret as a Learning Platform, The Master Key to achievement, and The Last Lecture.

The 12 milestones for business success
The famous book “The 12 milestones for business success” written by Robert Kiyosaki is one of the renowned CEO books available today. The book has 12 essential points that the most successful companies have repeatedly used. These innovative ideas have been included in the well-known new books written by Kiyosaki.
What every CEO should read
“What Every CEO Should Read” by Roger Martin is one of the leading CEO books in the market today. This book offers practical advice for CEOs on improving the performance of the company. In addition, the book contains essays and stories of top executives who have achieved great success in their careers. The lessons presented by the story tell how the authors overcame obstacles to reach their goals. These valuable lessons are quite inspiring for many CEOs to follow.
Only the paranoid survive: how to exploit the crisis points that challenge every company
Andy Grove, founder and former CEO of Intel, has authored a book that guides leaders facing a sudden change in their companies. These moments can be some of Yuan’s favorite opportunities available for the company because they are so valuable!
Devotion: An epic story of heroism, friendship, and sacrifice
You might not think of this book when it comes to professional development, but the lessons about leadership and collaboration are just as valuable. Seen through a historical lens covering military cooperation in Korea and segregation at home, “Devotion” tells the story of Tom Hudner’s friendship with Jesse Brown -the first African American carrier pilot for the U.S Navy- who grew up during World War II.
Guerilla marketing strategies
Among the most popular of all CEO, books are “Guerilla Marketing Strategies” by Kyle Leon and “The Subtle Art of Network Marketing” by Jonathan Budd. Both books are written by highly successful entrepreneurs who have transformed themselves into successful leaders by making the most out of what they had in mind – and more. They shared with us their unique marketing strategies and tips on how they made themselves successful. In addition, they shared their insights with us in excellent biographies. The book contains over ten chapters and a very detailed index. This is one of the best and most complete guides to help entrepreneurs succeed in every aspect of their lives.
Other books
In addition to the books mentioned above, there are many more CEO books written by some of the best entrepreneurs of our time. These include: “The Four-Hour Workweek,” “The Truth About Everything: Inside Edition,” “The Next Step” by Jeff Olson, and “The Outsiders: How the New Superstars Live and Learn” by Sean Parker. These are but a few of the great books available on leadership to help you succeed in your own business. It would be best if you researched these books because they can be accommodating in developing your strategies.

There is not much point in reading lots of CEO books if you are not a leader. So it would be best if you made yourself a leader. Read these inspiring books and learn everything you can about leadership.