Salesforce is the latest word in CRM. It’s been an enormous success and has created a lot of buzz in the industry.
You can learn how to use Salesforce to boost your business. And there are five skills that every salesperson should master—or at least have up their sleeve so they can stand a chance of climbing the ladder at their company.
Good Communicator
Communicate with your colleagues and clients in a friendly, professional way. It is an essential skill for any salesperson, but especially for those who work on the front lines.
Ensure you’re clear about what you want and how it will benefit your clients. Communicating clearly will help them understand what they can expect from you, making them more likely to get what they need.
Communicate with empathy and compassion, a vital skill you can develop through Salesforce Training. Your customers do not want to feel like they are being sold to—they just want someone who understands their situation and can solve their problem. If they feel like they are hearing from someone who doesn’t care about them or their position, they will stop listening and try harder to find someone else who will listen.
Critical Thinker
A critical thinker is a person who can understand and analyze problems. They can evaluate data and work to solve problems. Of course, with a salesforce expert who thinks critically, you can expect a better understanding of the ins and outs of the business process. Critical thinking is essential to problem-solving, as it allows a person to determine the best solution.
Critical thinking involves:
- Determining the purpose of a task or problem (what do you want to accomplish?)
- Analyzing different approaches to solving the task
- Evaluating each method of reaching your goal
It’s a beneficial skill when it comes to sales. If you’re able to ask questions about your customers’ needs and wants, then you can tailor your pitches in such a way as to appeal directly to them on an emotional and rational level.
It’s also a valuable skill when it comes to marketing. If you can understand how customers think about products or services, it helps you create ads that will get them excited enough about whatever they’re selling that they’ll buy.
Problem Solver
Problem-solving is one of the essential skills you can have as an expert in Salesforce. The ability to identify and solve problems separates good salespeople from great ones.
As an expert, you need to be able to navigate your way around Salesforce and make it work for you. It means you need to use tools like Reports, Chatter, and other parts of Salesforce to figure out what’s going on in your account and how best to move forward.
You also need to be able to spot trends and patterns in your data so that you can adjust your strategy accordingly. It’s essential not only for moving up the ladder but also for ensuring that the company gets the most out of its customers through CRM systems like Salesforce.
Detail Oriented
Detail-oriented people are the ones who can successfully manage tasks and projects at the moment. They can keep their eye on the ball, even when things get chaotic or complicated.
They’re also good at working through details and ensuring that their work is done correctly, which is vital for any business.
To be an expert in this skill area, you’ll need to be able to:
- Focus on details
- Organize your thought processes into a logical flow of steps
- Work through problems and challenges efficiently
Around-the-Clock Business Knowledge
As a Salesforce expert, you’ll be expected to know the ins and outs of your product, as well as how it fits into the larger industry. You’ll also be expected to know how to find new ways to sell, get more leads, and make more money.
You must have a complete understanding of all the tools available in Salesforce. You should be able to find any information you need without having to wait for someone else or go through a series of steps, including creating reports or landing pages.
You should also have some basic training on building relationships with customers, so you can use what they tell you about themselves as a way into their businesses.
Final Thoughts
Salesforce is indeed a powerful tool with many uses and applications. The above five skills cover some basics that any Salesforce expert should have in their belt, but you should still learn more than this.
Depending on the circumstances and the job you are applying for, you may need additional skills to learn or brush up on. In the end, thorough experience working with Salesforce, solid communication skills, and a good attitude will likely get you far.