What are Leadership Styles in Education?
Future-oriented leadership in education is the practice of directing and enlisting the energies and talents of parents, students, and teachers toward attaining common educational goals. In education, as in many aspects of life, some principles require a higher degree of organization than most people possess. In this regard, leadership can be seen as the critical mediator between people in various positions and their actions and reactions to the demands of the situation.
What kind of leadership do you think will have positive feedback in learning institutions? Students love someone who will understand them on a more personal level, for that a laissez-faire leader, charismatic leader, or instructional leader will be their choice. However, other leadership styles prove effective in learning institutions. Let’s discuss some of them.
5 Effective Leadership Styles in Education.
1. Instructional Leadership
Instructional leadership is part of leadership styles in education. that has proven time and again to be effective. To be a successful school leader, let’s say in a higher education set-up, you need to play an active role in leading the teachers. The OECD report suggests that instructional leadership is one of the ways schools can outperform other higher education institutions.
To be a successful school leader, you need to play an active role in the development and instruction of teachers. The OECD report suggests that instructional leadership is one way that the education system can outperform others with higher levels of student learning outcomes.
2. Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership in education is a topic that has been studied by many would-be visionary leaders, researchers, and educators. It’s no secret that effective leadership in teachers should be manifested at all times. A teacher should speak professionally to students as it has a direct impact on how they will be as adults. The school leadership committee should ensure that the education system equips the students with the necessary skill sets and understandings to change their world for the better.
A transformational leader should allow others to voice their opinions. This democratic leadership style will allow students and other teachers to easily approach a leader. A transformational leader can shape the way students learn by using four attributes: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. These concepts constitute a leadership style geared towards working together to create a positive environment for learning.
3. Constructivist Leadership
The first thing to understand about constructivist leadership in education is that it’s not something you can do just by reading how-to books. Leadership effectiveness on a constructivist leadership should be prioritized. It requires a leader to understand the language and culture, an effective leader will strive to have deep knowledge of what’s going on at all levels within the organization or school system.
The core of this educational leadership style is that learners are the ones who control their learning, not teachers. The constructivist approach is a transformational leadership style that places priority on customized teaching approaches to take into consideration individual needs and how each learner understands and processes lessons through his or her reality.

4. Strategic Leadership
Strategic leadership is not just about long-range planning and evaluation. A strategic leader should be a visionary leader who uses a different leadership style to make the students reach their goals. This means that a leader can choose to be a laissez-faire leader to understand the students on a personal level, use the transactional leadership style where students and even teachers get rewards for their exemplary behavior and be an authoritative leader where need be to ensure there is law and order.
Strategic leaders should practice what they read in leadership theory in practicality as they are also responsible for setting the direction of the school, creating frameworks, implementing interventions, allocating resources, and maintaining systems that support reforms. Without a strategic leader who is an effective leader at the helm of the schools, there would be no way to realize an organization’s vision!
One of the seven guiding principles for strategic leaders is to ensure that the delivery tone remains professional. A visionary leader with an effective leadership style does not focus on day-to-day distractions but instead focuses on the future. A successful school leader prepares for uncertain future events by basing decisions on evidence and research.
A strategic leader bases decisions on data from school learning programs such as staff training reviews policies or procedures, fostering a culture based on achievements rather than punishment; innovation will always be at the heart of any mission a good leader takes! A strategic leader also knows that the teachers under him need to learn an effective leadership style to deal with students and their demands. These teachers will offer situational leadership when dealing with different situations. It is therefore very important that they get the needed leadership skills to run the school when the need arises.
5. Servant Leadership
The concept of servant leadership is one that, at its core, strives to help others. Servant leaders are often seen as selfless and humble who take on a laissez-faire leadership attitude to make sure the needs of all people come first. A servant leader who practices this leadership style believes their job isn’t about them but instead, about helping those around them become successful as they are.
When educational leaders practice servant leadership, they have high expectations of the teachers and students. For that, they should ensure They also help them develop the skills needed to improve performance using their leadership skills in education and by providing a participative leadership style where others get to learn from their example.

Educational leaders need to think about what type of leadership style is the best for their institutions. Students need strict discipline for them to adhere to the set of rules provided. A transactional leader can achieve greater results with the students as learners will be obedient to get the incentives. However, just as discussed above, different institutions will need different leadership approaches. Many ways lead up a mountain and each one may suit different people at various points along the journey.
Autocratic leadership is not the best when it comes to education. This is because teacher leaders should always strive to involve their students in everything. Always remember that a school is not supposed to be a prison but rather an interactive learning institution.