Joshua Lybolt is the President of JMXE Capital. Joshua is a thought leader, influencer, visionary, and successful entrepreneur. Joshua provides the leadership and energy that has inspired the creation of JMXE Capital. Joshua Lybolt joins other leading Bestselling Authors, International Speakers & Entrepreneur, CEOs and Founders taking part in our Leader Roundtable Interview Series. The DotCom Magazine editorial team is delighted to have Joshua join us for our Leader Roundtable Interview.
Let’s start by telling us about your business.
Joshua Lybolt: JMXE Capital is a fund management company specializing in the placement of alternative investment solutions. We provide accredited investors with access to atypical absolute return investment opportunities across the entire spectrum of risk profiles, asset classes, and strategies.
Two funds are currently open for investor commitments 1) LENDZ – A private debt fund, providing alternative debt financing to small businesses and 2) TRF – A private equity fund operating similar to a SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) providing passive equity infusions to specific small businesses.
Please tell us how you make sure your customers will become raving fans of your company?
Joshua Lybolt: Most importantly, we make them a strong return on their investment. But we also have great customer services, full transparency and the expertise needed.
Please tell us the one thing that separates your business from the competition?
Joshua Lybolt: I am constantly reading about the next big thing. I am always looking at the numbers to the point where I obsess. And I only make an investment when I have a complete understanding of the industry and specific business.
And to finish this section, please tell us what is the one major key to your company’s success?
Joshua Lybolt: My company has flourished because I have been able to make my clients a healthy return. They then tell their friends, and that word of mouth referral keeps my overhead low. While my competitors rely heavily on advertising and marketing to bring in clients, I do it by showing my proven track record. And by eliminating advertising and marketing, I can give my clients even better rates.
For our readers just starting to build a company, what advice can you give entrepreneurs just starting out with a new venture?
Joshua Lybolt: The most important lesson that I have learned is to create outlandish, nearly impossible goals and do something that gets you closer to that goal EVERY SINGLE DAY.
For entrepreneurs seeking to build a business as successful as yours, what one big piece of advice can you give them when times get a little challenging
Joshua Lybolt: I’ve been fortunate to scale a company from zero to nearly $1Billion in total sales and I have also been blessed to lose everything twice! Learn from your mistakes and do it all over again and again and again; it becomes easier and easier to grow exponentially after you’ve already accomplished it before. Don’t let adversity and failure distract you from your end goal.
In today’s fast changing business environment, how do you stay abreast of things?
Joshua Lybolt: I read a lot! I stay away from news and politics and current events, unfortunately the media has become too harsh and disparaging for me. I prefer motivational and inspirational self improvement and business books.
What is your “Why”? In one sentence, why do you get up in the morning?
Joshua Lybolt: My Why is to improve the quality of life of every person that I come in contact with.
In one sentence, what is the most important thing one has to do to be a great leader?
Joshua Lybolt: My employees respect my work ethic. As a leader, I set an example to everyone else. So I am the first one to get to the office (before COVID started, now I’m the first one to hop online), and the last one to leave. My employees see my hard work, and they know they have to live up to that or I will find someone else who does. I’m respectful, pay everyone above the average rate for their job title, but I don’t let my employees coast by. I demand 110% every day.
In one sentence, describe how important your customers are to your business?
Joshua Lybolt: My clients are my business. Without them, I would have no one to serve. My clients are fabulous too, so it’s not hard to work for them. I deliver them results and as a result they are very happy and a pleasure to speak with. Their happiness keeps me motivated to keep working hard.
Originally published on