The voice and chat app Discord was launched in 2015 and since then, it has gained a lot of following. People use this platform to not only market their products but to engage online so that they can promote their side hustles, businesses and hobbies. However, before the platform can provide you with the most value, it is important to market your discord server so that it can attract the largest audience possible. Below, we will explore ways through which you can promote your discord server and gain many members.
The voice and chat app Discord was launched in 2015 and since then, it has gained a significant following. People use this platform to not only market their products but to engage online so that they can promote their side hustles, businesses, and hobbies. However, to extract the maximum value from the platform, it is essential to effectively market your Discord server and plan for Discord Server Advertising, ensuring that it attracts the largest possible audience. Below, we will explore ways through which you can promote your Discord server and gain many members.
Why You Need A Discord Server
Discord servers are very helpful to both individuals and businesses operating online because they have tools that promote collaboration and communication. For a business, a discord server can provide a way to connect with both employees and customers. On the other hand, discord servers are very helpful for communities as they allow them to connect and share information. Furthermore, communities can use these servers to organize events and activities.
Those who work as writers can also find these servers helpful for they provide a platform where writers can share ideas and get feedback on different topics. True Gamers have used Discord not only to connect with each other but also to plan gaming sessions. All in all, discord servers provide a platform for people to connect with one another.
Promoting Your Discord Servers
Getting more members into your server doesn’t have to be very hard. This is because there are many techniques that you can use to add more members into your server so that it can become engaging. By promoting your server, you stand getting many more members and thus make your server more active. If you want to promote your discord server, you need to follow these steps and ideas.
Add Your Server To Listings
One of the easiest ways to let the world know about your discord server is by listing it in the server listings. Here, you will include a name, link, and descriptions of your server which must be added to the right category. That way, your server will be visible to people looking for servers to join.
However, before adding your discord server to any listing, it is important to have a description that clearly explains what the server is all about? To liven up the description however, you can use amazing text fonts, emojis and other effects. Generally, the description should cover the server niche,
Host Events
Another great way to market your discord server is to host events. Hosting an event will encourage existing members to invite their friends to the event thereby growing your following considerably. You can use the server’s voice channels to hold events such as a chat, discussion, or a music event that enables members to request for a song to listen to.
Advertise The Server
When it comes to the world of discord servers, there are many servers out there that allow you to advertise your own server. Professor Nick from Michigan University advises people who want to promote their own servers to search for discord servers using advertising keywords. Once you have found a server to advertise on, you can then add your link as well as the description for your own server.
You should make sure that the description that you make has all the details that a user needs to decide on the server to follow and join. Therefore, it is advisable to make it as descriptive as possible so that it can put you in the best light possible.
Social Media
Social media marketing is also important when it comes to marketing a discord server. This is especially because social media has many users who may be interested in joining your server.
Therefore, it is advisable for users to try and post on platforms such as Facebook, twitter, and Instagram. Whatever social media that you use could be a great source of new members for your server. However, it is important to avoid spamming social media platforms with links. Therefore, just post one link every two weeks. Also, you need to avoid over promotion which can annoy people on social media.
Use Your Personal Channels
If you have a Facebook page, twitter account or YouTube channel, you could use the platform to market your discord server. However, you need to ensure that the channel that you want to use is relevant to the server that you are advertising. For example, if your servers are aimed at discussing health and wellness, it would be very helpful if you could advertise it only on a Facebook page that handles the same topic. That way, you are likely to meet new members who are interested in your topic of discussion.
Optimize Your Existing Server
Another way to increase membership in your discord server is to optimize your existing server. You can do this by making sure that it not only looks good but also that it functions as it should. You can also include some opt-in roles to your server so that your members can choose the options that fit within their preferences well.
If you are running a server in a particular field, it is advisable to include options that allow your users to organize their channels based on the interests that they have. Research has revealed that a big and disorganized discord server is a turnoff to many users.
Promotion and marketing are important ingredients for the success of any discord server. Therefore, working to promote your server can help in the long run as it will attract new members to your group. In doing so, it is advisable to make use of the different platforms that you must get the maximum traction from the campaign.
Utilizing various avenues, including social media, server listings, and personal websites, can greatly assist in this endeavor. As you promote your server to a wider audience on social media, members can invite their own friends to the events you host. This approach allows your server to attract more members over time.