It is no longer news that we live in era of heightened knowledge – people are more informed today because you can get relevant information with just the click of a button. People go the extra mile to make sure they prolong their lifespan or live to the fullest.
And high-pressure machines have become one of the ways through which people tend to attain fitness and wellness. But, not everyone seems to buy that HBOT thing. Some people are highly skeptical about its benefits. You are most likely reading this piece because you want to be sure of whether it is safe to use HBOT machines.
In this post, you will discover how safe it is to use HBOT chambers. We will start with what HBOT stands for.
Meaning of HBOT
HBOT is just a short expression for hyperbaric oxygen therapy. HBOT is a fast-growing therapy that seems to be getting a lot of attention from all nooks and crannies. It is a simple therapy method that leverages pure oxygen to ensure healthier living. The user has to access a sealed environment under higher pressure.
HBOT machines are designed to supply users with sufficient blood oxygen that can help repair damaged body tissues. Having defined HBOT, we can move to whether it is safe or not.
The Major Misconception
Many online publications have made it look like you are signing your death sentence by entering an HBOT machine. In the real sense, HBOT machines are one of the safest machines today. The designers and manufacturers understand that it works by your healing internal organs, so it is a highly sensitive equipment.
Several measures have been put in place to enhance the safety of HBOT machines. For instance, they are designed with dual command systems that allows the system to be effortlessly controlled from inside and outside.
This is a feature that ensures the safety of the person inside the sealed chamber regardless of what happens.

Designed to House Claustrophobic People
People who are claustrophobic used to be extremely afraid of HBOT machines. The fear of staying inside alone was too much for them. Claustrophobic people could only use multiplace chambers back then because they accommodate more than one person. That was the only condition people like that would use the system.
While that was the standard for a long time, things have changed significantly today. For instance, HBOT chambers have been designed to accommodate claustrophobic people to a great deal. That is because the chambers are manufactured with clear acrylic. This will enable the person inside the system to see everything outside.
That ability to see through the transparent glass is what makes all the difference. As such, whoever is inside is rest assured that they are safe.

Protection Against Excess Pressure
The commonest thing you will find online about HBOT is the supposed effects caused by its high pressure. It is true that changing pressures has the ability to affect us as humans. But, there is too much negativity around the subject, as reported by some platforms.
Countless tests and scientific research prove that subjecting the human body to 2 or 3 times normal atmospheric pressure is not that dangerous.
HBOT chambers work with twice or thrice standard atmospheric pressure. That is how it’s able to drive pure oxygen around the body. When the pure oxygen is delivered to the user, miraculous things begin to happen.
Besides, the systems are fitted with high-pressure protection devices to prevent the system from delivering unsafe pressure levels. Users also have the privilege of adjusting the pressures inside the system with digitally-controlled features.
By clicking on the UI inside the system, you can decide to use the extreme pressure levels or use anything safe within.
The Healing Process is Natural
People can obtain healing from any available means known to them. The only problem is that some of those healing methods utilize harmful chemicals to do the healing. We have seen people that came down with something worse than what they were treating because of chemically-based solutions.
Thankfully, HBOT systems do not use chemicals to promote healing. Instead, it activates the body’s natural healing process by supplying all tissues with extra oxygen. There is nothing extraordinary about the process.
So, you can be sure that undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy is not going to leave deposits of some harmful chemicals inside your body. For example, health anomalies like inflammations can be properly handled and healed without causing an adverse effect to the body.

You Only Need to Spend Some Hours Inside
HBOT is possible inside an HBOT chamber. You need to spend some time inside to have pure oxygen move round your body.
For most machines, 2 hours a day inside the system is good enough. You don’t have to stay inside for longer periods. Moreover, most experts recommend spending between 45mins and a maximum of 2 to 3 hours inside an HBOT chamber.
Even with the short time you spend inside the unit, you can still witness the changes. HBOT is not one of those therapies you undergo for extended period before you see any result. That makes it safer to use.
Safe for Working
To prove to you that safety inside an HBOT chamber is guaranteed, you can see that the system is designed to accommodate your laptop or other mobile devices you may need for work. The environment is very calm and friendly. There is also maximum air ventilation inside the chamber.
High-pressure machines for ensuring fitness and wellness are not as deadly as many people assume. They are safer than you think. OxyHelp monoplace and multiplace HBOT chambers are designed with the best safety features. You can get better when you spend time in an HBOT chamber. The only set of people who have any issue with HBOT chambers is those who fail to use them according to instructions. Shop for high-quality and safe HBOT systems on the OxyHelp platform today!