"I got to where I am today through discipline, positivity, motivation, trust and dedication — I consider these qualities to be key success factors in business."
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Avi Efrat is the founder and CEO of Fantastic Framing, an affordable mobile picture framing solution that delivers its services and products straight to people’s homes. Their Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, and Perth CBD picture framing shops offer services throughout the CBD (plus all surrounding suburbs) and are the most comfortable way of getting any artwork framed.
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Let’s learn a little about you and really get to experience what makes us tick – starting at our beginnings. Where did your story begin?
Avi Efrat: When I was growing up, I always wanted to work in a business. At the age of seven years old, my first business was to go door-to-door and wash people’s cars. I would make 50 dollars and buy ice-cream.
I got to where I am today through discipline, positivity, motivation, trust and dedication — I consider these qualities to be key success factors in business.
Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?
Avi Efrat: Serving in the Israeli special forces made me who I am today. The experience gave me lots of management skills, the ability to set and achieve goals and objectives, handle stress and work in a team.
What are the most common mistakes you see entrepreneurs make and what would you suggest they do?
Avi Efrat: I’ve noticed other business leaders have been stuck with high expenses maintaining a big rented office or shopfront during lockdown,.
My takeaway from this has been to save, be cost effective and secure cash flow for a rainy day.
Is there a particular podcast you listened to, or business thought leader that you find helpful while maneuvering this pandemic?
Avi Efrat: My main role model while maneuvring this pandemic is Steve Jobs, who rose from nothing to create the best business in the world.
In your opinion, what makes your company stand out from the competition?
Avi Efrat: Fantastic Framing is an affordable mobile picture framing solution that delivers its services and products straight to people’s homes. Our Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth CBD picture framing shops offer services throughout the CBD (plus all surrounding suburbs) and are the most comfortable way of getting any artwork framed.
We bring all the equipment and expertise to people’s homes, offices or wherever else they may need. We save time and match the frames to people’s décor! Mobile picture and photo framing make getting people’s art and memorabilia framed easier than ever. It saves time and ensures that no damage occurs during transit.
Fantastic Framing is unique because of our commitment to first-class client service and we are one of the few mobile art framers to have a presence in multiple Australian cities
You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success?
Avi Efrat: The three character traits I think are most instrumental to my success are constant motivation, great client service to the point of being obsessed with the client, and fostering a positive team environment.
Being a CEO of the company, do you think that your personal brand reflects your company’s values?
Avi Efrat: Yes, I agree that my personal brand is reflective of Fantastic Framing’s values.
I work hard to ensure my team works with me to express these values when communicating with clients and customers.
How do you monitor if the people in your department are performing at their best?
Avi Efrat: Given things can change hour-by-hour, I have brief and concise daily and weekly meetings with my team to get everyone on the same page
What would you say is the main difference between starting a business at the time you started yours and starting the business in today’s age?
Avi Efrat: I would say technology is a big change from when I have started.
If you want to start now, you need to think as well about your digital and ecommerce plans and strategies.
What’s your favorite “life lesson” quote and how has it affected your life?
Avi Efrat: I am a big believer of luck — I have always found the harder I work, the more luck I have.
Mike Weiss, VIP Contributor to ValiantCEO and the host of this interview would like to thank Avi Efrat for taking the time to do this interview and share his knowledge and experience with our readers.
If you would like to get in touch with Avi Efrat or his company, you can do it through his – Instagram
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