Link building is an essential part of SEO strategy and keeping up with the changing demands of the best practices can be quite challenging. Ask any link building agency! Add to this the fact that backlinks leading to your site themselves can go through changes – they can disappear, become less relevant, or even become bad backlinks – and you have an aspect of your SEO strategy that needs constant monitoring and tweaking.
According to Google’s own guidelines, the holy grail for any link building agency, Google places a high premium on sites that are referred to and linked to by other sites – this is seen as a measure of authority and reliability.
This is where a link building agency comes in: to help you manage one of the most important elements of SEO. Keep reading to learn more about the most impactful link building strategies you can employ to supercharge your link profile.
1. Seek out broken links.
Confused? It might sound counterintuitive, but many link building agencies swear by this strategy. The principle is simple: when you come across a website that can backlink to your content, investigate their website to find broken links – also known famously by their error code, 404 page not found. When you find such pages, reach out to the site owner with a recommendation of one of your own pages as a backlink.
The caveat: you must have the right kind of relevant content to offer, and they must like what you have on your website. A link building agency can be invaluable here in helping you determine whether the proposition is a right fit. This allows you to score reliable, high-quality backlinks while also offering some value in return to the website owner.
For a link building agency, this is the perfect quid pro quo situation where both parties benefit from enhanced SEO. The website owner gets rid of a broken page with very little work, and you have a neat backlink in your pocket. That’s why it’s a great idea to buy authority links whenever the opportunity arises.
As long as you do this in an honest manner – by ensuring the website owner knows the link is from your website – you might be surprised by how much success you can find.
2. Track down your pre-existing missing links.
As any good link building agency knows, link profiles inevitably change over time. Links break, they go missing, and sometimes you simply realize you no longer want to be associated with some backlinks.
One way to build your link profile – especially if you’ve been in the game for a while, is to find the links that no longer work. According to link building agencies, there can be many reasons for this, from the site owner getting rid of the linking page or the backlink to the site itself shutting down or simply being hidden from indexing.
Once you identify these missing links, a link building agency can help you figure out ways to fill the gap. This can range from reaching out to the original backlinking site and asking for a fresh backlink to exploring new options in the same niche.
Nonetheless, any link building agency will tell you that it’s imperative to keep your link profile current and updated. Not doing so can severely impact your SEO ranking in the long run.
3. Use graphics and images in your link building.
Many link building agencies perform a check to ensure that when images created by you – a great, shareable form of content that attracts many users – are used in a backlink, they are linked to the page the image is hosted on rather than the image itself.
This, again, involves the link building agency getting in touch with site owners to replace image links with page links. Similarly, if your images have been used by sites without linking back to you, this presents a great – and justified! – opportunity for you to request a backlink.

4. Write guest posts.
Writing posts in your area of expertise for other websites with good reach is an excellent way to find new audiences, according to link building agencies. While it can be difficult to find opportunities in the beginning, a link building agency will likely have contacts in your niche to help you get started.
When it comes to guest posts, it often takes just one good piece of writing to get the ball rolling on a steady stream of backlinks.
5. Use social media.
While an inexperienced link agency might decry the use of social media in link building, it’s an effective way to boost your link profile in many ways. When you share your content on social media platforms – say Twitter, Medium, or Instagram – you get to aim at many birds with just one stone.
6. Write great content.
Ultimately, this is the key to succeeding in SEO, including in link profile building. When you create compelling and authoritative content in your niche, more people will want to link to you. Valuable content that brings something new to the table is always in great demand – and link profiles are no different.
A link building agency comes in to help you build a link profile on this strong foundation. Ultimately, though, as they say, content is king.
The Upshot
As with all things SEO, there is no one size fits all magic button to create a good link profile. However, with time, research, consistent effort, and a little bit of help from a reputed link building agency like AdLift, you too can acquire a high-quality, well-rounded link profile for your website. A good link building agency takes over all your content and backlinking needs, allowing you to focus on doing what you do best: running your business.