When your business sells products, and you use Amazon as a marketplace to sell them, you want your listings to appear as high in the search results as possible. You can do various things that can affect this and help increase the rankings for your products. With persistence, experimentation, and hard work, you can boost your product listing to the top of their search phrases and significantly increase sales. Below are some tips to help you optimise your sales on Amazon and ensure your potential customers can easily find your listings.
The Amazon Algorithm
Amazon uses an algorithm that works similarly to how Google and other search engines rank websites during a search. However, there are some distinct differences in how the Amazon algorithm works. If you want to know how to rank on page 1 on Amazon, the answer is to try and manipulate the algorithm to give your listings an advantage, but this is not always straightforward. Various factors can affect the ranking of a product listing in an Amazon search, and some of the most vital ones are as follows:
- The relevance of the keyword.
- Customer reviews.
- The products image quality.
- Sales performance.
- How competitively the product is priced.
- The fulfilment method of the order.
Amazon will most likely push its products ahead of any other seller, but using a trial-and-error approach to testing your listings on the Amazon platform can significantly increase your sales.
Optimise Your Listings For Search
You will need to have a strong product listing to entice customers to choose your product over your competitors, and you will also need to ensure it is optimised. You can optimise the product title and description to include your primary keyword that can help customers find your products. It is worth researching in this area to find out what your customers search for when they find your products. You can also experiment with the titles you use for your products and see which ones attract more purchases. You must ensure that the information you display is clear, concise, and informative for the consumer.
Offer New Customer Discounts
An excellent way to attract customers on platforms like Amazon, is to offer them a discount if they are a new customer. Everyone likes to get a discount, and it can be an excellent way to boost sales of your best performing products on the Amazon platform. You can also use social media promo codes and hare these through the platforms you use to entice existing customers to buy, and you can do this through a shareable URL. There are many ways that you can attract new customers through a discount, and it is worth experimenting to find the one that works best for your business.
Ask For Reviews From Customers
The reviews of products are an important factor in the rankings and success of a product on Amazon, so you want to ask all your customers if they would take the time to leave an honest review. When a bad review comes along, and it will happen, make a public show of trying to assist the customer in rectifying any issue, and this will go a long way in the minds of potential consumers. Bad reviews and experiences are to be expected, but it is how you deal with them that can set you apart from your competitors and showcase your exemplary customer service. Politely ask your customers to leave reviews after every purchase, and it may surprise you how much sales increase as you see an increase in rankings.
Offer Excellent Service
If you also concentrate on the quality of service that you provide your customers, this will go a long way to helping improve the customer experience. It will also help you get more excellent reviews, which the Amazon algorithm looks favourably on, so it is worth doing. Ensure your product listings are informative and have all the information customers need and a way to contact you if they have any questions they want to ask. Be communicative throughout the customer journey, especially if there is a problem or delay to the order, and it will help customers feel comfortable with your company when they order.
Keep Your Pricing Competitive
You will also want to keep your products’ pricing competitive, which can help you generate sales on platforms like Amazon. Always monitor your competitors’ prices for the same or similar products and try to undercut them slightly to make your products marginally cheaper. However, be sure not to get into a war with your competitors, as this will squeeze your margins so tight that there is little profit left for anyone.
The above are a couple of tips that can help you with the success of your Amazon sales, but you can also consider calling in an expert. Whatever you decide to do, you will need patience, persistence, and creativity to keep on top of things and ensure your listings perform well when selling on Amazon.