When you purchase your vehicle, one thing you probably consider is its resale value. You want the highest price possible when you go to sell it or trade it in on a new car. Did you know that something as simple as regularly using Turtle Wax could actually improve your vehicle’s resale value? These are some ways maintenance can maintain your vehicle’s value.
Regular Washes Are Key
Dirt, salt and other road debris can damage your paint, causing your clear coat to peel and your vehicle to rust. Therefore, you should regularly wash your car’s exterior. You should know by looking at your vehicle whether you need to take it to the car wash or not.
How often you wash your car depends on where you store it, how often and far you drive and where you live. For example, those who live in areas where salt is in the road mix during the winter should wash their vehicles more often during this period to prevent rusting.
However, you should also spend time cleaning the inside of your car as well. No one wants to purchase a vehicle with stained seats or odd smells. Although you should regularly clean the inside of your vehicle, a professional detailing service can complete a deeper clean.
Therefore, consider taking your car in once in a while to get your vents cleaned, your leather treated and your carpet shampooed, among other services.
Quality Car Wax for Shine & Strength
Although giving your vehicle a regular bath helps protect the paint and makes it look great, don’t forget the wax. Products like Turtle Wax Pure Shine can improve the look of your vehicle by filling in tiny scratches. Wax products also protect your paint because contaminants, such as dirt, salt, bird droppings, tree sap, pollution and weather, stay off the paint itself and on the wax. A high-quality wax protects your paint from UV rays as well.
Catches Issues Before They Become Major Problems
Regular car maintenance also allows you to catch minor problems before they become major challenges. For example, you can prevent brake failure by having your pads checked when you go in for oil changes. Your oil changes can also prevent significant engine damage and extend its life. Replacing your windshield wipers regularly helps you see properly so you can avoid accidents.
Improves Gas Mileage
When your vehicle receives regular maintenance, it runs better. When your engine is more efficient, your gas mileage improves. Did you know that your gas mileage directly impacts your engine’s wear and tear? Therefore, while maintenance improves your engine’s efficiency, it also protects it and extends its life.
Protects Your Warranty
Most vehicle warranties and vehicle protection plans require regular service. Most vehicle warranties require regular service. Car manufacturers suggest regular maintenance, and some require specific maintenance. Not only do these services prevent catastrophic failures, but they help you get the best value from insurance claims.
Whether your vehicle is new or used, you should do your best to keep it in the best condition possible. While you search for a reputable mechanic who can provide your regular engine maintenance, don’t forget to give your vehicle a regular bath inside and out, and don’t forget to search for car wax near me for added protection.