Red hair is always outstanding, regardless of the shade of red you choose. It is the best hairstyle option if you want to appear bold, vivid, and exotic. This is to mean it is not the hair color to choose if you like disappearing in the crowd because you are shy.
The first important step in getting your hair red is discovering the shade of red you like. Once you have decided on the shade the next thing you should think of is how to keep your look fresh and lively at all times. Here are the tips for taking care of your red hair if you already have it or considering getting it.
1. Before Getting Your First Shampoo, You Should Consider Taking Time Out
When you apply red hair shade, you should wait for at least forty-eight hours before you consider using shampoo on your hair.
This is recommended to help the red dye molecules to absorb completely into your hair so that it takes time to recover. Using shampoo on freshly red-dyed hair makes the color slip away before it has completely absorbed.
2. Avoid Sulfate Shampoos
All kinds of salts and sulfates don’t do any justice to hair hue. They are responsible for making the color strip away faster than it should after visiting the salon.
If you are considering shampooing your red-dyed hair, you should consider using a shampoo that is salt as well as sulfate free at all times. This will help keep your hair shade in good condition for a longer duration of time before you are required to do the next dying.
Always use pure shampoo to minimize the disturbance of your hair, especially if it is colored. Use hair products that are made of artificial colorants formulas too. This helps avoid disturbing the originally intended hair color.

3. Consider Using Hair Masks on a Regular Basis
To maintain the red color deep and rich on your hair at all times, you will be required to replace the moisture regularly. Using hair masks is the easiest way of replacing the moisture in your hair.
Based on the current state of your hair, you should consider using hair masks at least two times a week. In case your hair is usually dry most of the time, you can consider using the hair mask whenever you apply shampoo to your hair.
4. If the Red is Cool, Consider Fixing Brassy Hair
If you have already standardized the perfect shade of red hair, you should ensure you maintain it properly to avoid the red shade turning either brassy or orange.
To avoid the possibility of the color turning brassy or orange, it is recommended that you use blue shade-balancing hair shampoo on a regular basis. This is a basic requirement for all sorts of colored hair and not only red.
5. Avoid Staying in the Sun for Long
The UV rays from the sun are usually responsible for fading of most colored things. This is not an exception when it comes to red color.
To keep your hair safe from fading, always ensure that you don’t stay in the sun for too long and if this is the case, keep a hat on to protect your hair color from getting direct sunlight.

6. Avoid Shampooing Your Hair a Lot
Too much shampooing is the easiest way of facilitating premature hair color fading. When it comes to red dye, it has large molecules which need a lot of effort to maintain the hair, and any slight inconvenience results in fast fading.
If your hair is colored, you should avoid too much shampooing, and when it is necessary, ensure that you use a lightweight and dry shampoo to maintain your scalp fresh at all times and with less fading.
7. Consider the Shine
The red shade appears livelier and more vibrant when it is shiny. You should always ensure that your hair is shiny if it is colored to make it attractive at all times.
To make hair gloss a priority, you can consider conditioning the hair each time after shampooing it. You can also use gloss-enhancing treatment on your red tresses to achieve a more vibrant, shiny appearance. Ensure your hair is oiled at all times to reduce frizz. When using natural oils for hair care, it’s important to understand their application, such as whether or not do you have to wash out batana oil after use.