Roadside assistance is coverage that you can get on top of auto insurance. It provides you with easy access to emergency services should your vehicle break down or you get into a minor car accident. With roadside assistance in Canada, you have peace of mind that you won’t get stuck helpless on the side of the road when your vehicle experiences any issues, whether due to weather, mechanical problems, or freak accidents.
What Does Roadside Assistance Cover?
Roadside assistance providers can offer a range of services that can cover you in any type of vehicular mishap. You can customize your plan with add-ons, such as personal coverage–but the basic plan generally includes the following:
Towing is provided if your vehicle is inoperable and attempts to fix it have been unsuccessful. Depending on the situation and the type of vehicle you own, a flatbed or dolly will be sent to bring your car to the nearest mechanic.
Most roadside assistance plans limit you to a certain distance for towing, with any additional kilometer charged with a fee. Some services also only bring you through a direct return route.
Battery Service
Battery service involves providing you with a boost (or jumpstart) to get your vehicle up and running again, or assisting you with a battery replacement should your old one be out of juice.
Lockout Service
Sometimes, we need emergency services for mishaps we put ourselves in—like locking ourselves out of our cars. You can get lockout service if this happens to you; your provider will send a locksmith to help you gain entry. You can also avail of this coverage if you need ignition work to get your car going.
Fuel Delivery
When you run out of gas, you can be supplied with some fuel to enable you to reach the nearest gas station. In case this isn’t available, you may be towed to a service station to get fuel there, instead.
Tire Replacement
Getting a flat tire can do significant damage to your vehicle, so it’s always best to stop along the road and change your flat tire with your spare. But should you need help to do this, or if you don’t have an available spare tire, roadside assistance can lend a hand. Most basic plans only cover tire changes, but you may also opt for additional services such as repaired tire delivery, tire dismounting, or seasonal changeovers.
Vehicle Removal
Your vehicle may get stuck or break down in awkward places. When it becomes difficult to reach, roadside assistance can extricate your vehicle and return it to you or bring it to a service area safely.
Get Roadside Assistance with Your Auto Insurance Plan
Roadside assistance is something that every car owner should have, as you never know when you might need help to get out of an auto emergency. Being prepared with roadside assistance coverage will ensure that you’re always secure on the road–remember to get roadside assistance with your auto insurance plan!