For most office spaces in 2023, there has been a bit of an issue with productivity in most of the United States and Europe. This is due in part to the flexibility that was seemingly brought in during 2020 under the COVID restrictions. More people were offered remote work, and as society began to reopen, more people than you may think were less than eager to return to the workplace, which led to a bit of a slouch in productivity.
If you are the manager of an office space, the last thing you are going to want is a team of workers who are under-motivated, making errors, as well as simply not taking their job seriously. All of these things can signify an issue with productivity, which can have a real impact further down the line.
Of course, there are many ways to increase productivity in a team. However, some of them are more effective than others, and in 2023, in order for any office space to be productive, you have got to be flexible. So, the following article will talk you through some of the key ways you can increase productivity in your office.
Offer Flexible Working Options
Starting with the option that was mentioned in the introduction, one of the best ways to get the most out of your team is to offer flexible working. What is flexible working? Well, in simple terms, it is offering your workers the option to work remotely and in the office for set days or flexible days during the week.
In some instances, this may involve you needing to look into an option of renting an office space on a more relaxed contract, such as coworking Eagle House Shoreditch. Coworking offers you as an office manager the flexibility to call your team in as and when it is needed and to offer them remote working options in the interim, which will save you money and will also up productivity.
Keep It Tidy
Nobody wants to work in a space that is cluttered and dirty. The only time this is acceptable is when there is building work going on! Clutter can be extremely distracting and can impede productivity amongst your team, so be sure to provide ample storage solutions in any office space you’re overseeing and encourage your employees to keep their desks clean. As well as this, you will need to ensure that your office is professionally cleaned at least once a day by a hired cleaner with basic cleaning services.
Comfy Chairs Only!
Most people have had it happen to them. They have been working in an office space that has a chair that simply hurts their back. This can cause physical strain on the back, wrists, and hips, which is not something you want when you are trying to up productivity. So, it is best at the beginning to invest in ergonomic furniture and equipment, as this will create a comfortable and healthy work environment. Remember, if you are hiring staff who have physical health issues such as arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, or fibromyalgia, this can benefit them greatly and up their productivity.
Natural Light
There is something to be said about having natural light in your office, and if you can, you should aim to design the office space that you oversee to maximize natural light exposure for all of your team. Natural light has been shown to increase mood and energy levels, as well as neurochemical dopamine, which is related to creativity. So, if you can, try to do away with the LED lights and the workplace boxes that are typical to offices, and try to get as much light in as you can.
Try to get some plants, too- they just look good!
Promote Work-Life Balance
It is safe to say that most people dread working in an office because they are scared that they will hear the words from their boss that they need to work over the weekend, much like in the movie The Office Space.
This ethic towards workers, understandably, does not promote a good work-life balance and also doesn’t help with mental well-being. So, encourage your staff to take regular breaks and discourage longer periods of continuous work. Remember that taking short breaks can help your team to recharge and maintain focus throughout the day, so don’t have them metaphorically chained to their desk!
Open Communication
It is often said that a lot of people in an office space want to have open communication with their bosses but are afraid to do so for fear that they will lose their job. Being worried about losing your job does not do anything for productivity in the long term! So, as an office manager, you need to be open to receiving feedback as well as giving it in a productive way.
This could take the form of a suggestion box or maybe even be something to introduce via an e-mail system. Remember, it doesn’t have to be linked to any one person, and many office workers may feel safer if their responses are anonymous.
Get Healthy Vending Machines
Now, onto snacking.
It’s fair to say that most offices will have a vending machine somewhere, but the high-sugar snacks can lead to crashes throughout the day, which does not help productivity. So, it may be worth investing in healthy vending machine options, which will allow people to eat healthy snacks like nuts, fruits and to consume water or fruit juices. This will help to keep energy levels more balanced throughout the day and will also promote better work outcomes.
Promote Physical Activity
You can also aim to promote physical activity in the workplace, which may take the form of having a small gym where your team can go during their lunch breaks. Or, you can even start a workplace fitness program, which you and your team will take part in once a week. Jumping jacks may look silly, but they can help to get the blood flowing and will keep your team healthy, thereby reducing sick days and improving overall mental health and well-being.