Driven by his passion for creating great stories targeted to a global audience on all continents, Jonathan Kendrick created ROKiT Flix to be an accessible way for young storytellers, artists and creative children, young adults, and families from multinational, and diverse backgrounds to enjoy their favorite entertainment content all in one place. One challenge he faced with the platform is the comparison of ROKiT Flix to other streaming services on the market. His primary focus is not to compete with these well-known streaming platforms, but instead to be a creative outlet that makes free, safe and educational content accessible to anyone with a mobile device.
Another challenge he endured along the journey of building ROKiT Flix, specifically, was the incredibly large undertaking surrounding the process to create and incorporate the animated Bible-based stories into the kid-friendly platform. For the Old Testament alone, there are over six hours of content which is as long as three feature-length films combined. This process was expensive for Kendrick to do but it was very important to him personally and one of the main reasons why he wanted to create the platform.
Jonathan overcame the challenges of being compared to other streaming platforms by emphasizing the mission and purpose behind what ROKiT Flix is all about. One of the main reasons he created ROKiT Flix was because he wanted to help families across the world save money by providing a no-cost entertainment platform that keeps kids entertained. Being able to put money back in people’s pockets with his free streaming service allows parents to continue to put food on the table, buy clothes for their children and alleviate some of the financial stress that comes with having kids.
While the number of subscribers provides some sort of value for a business owner, his primary focus is for ROKiT Flix to be an entertainment platform that kids love, use and learn from long-term. Jonathan and his team are continuing to build a base of loyal and excited subscribers who understand the mission behind the streaming platform and enjoy innovative and educational entertainment for years to come.
After losing two fortunes throughout his career as a business owner, Jonathan’s hard work and persistence in continuing to build businesses allowed him to make a comeback with his third fortune, which is now managed by his wife. His career as an entrepreneur, filled with many ups and downs, now shows the results of all his hard work and dedication to developing projects that he built himself. Although Jonathan has had a very non-traditional career path, all of the challenges along the way have prepared him the foundation for the creation of his recently launched passion project, known as ROKiT Flix.
The greatest advice Jonathan wished he knew when he was starting out that he would like to share with aspiring entrepreneurs is that they can be successful if they work hard enough. He believes that people shouldn’t be afraid to make mistakes and that they should always work harder than the person next to them. With this mindset, he firmly believes their hard work ethic is bound to set them up for success and to lead them to the right people who will help them build their businesses and get their brand name out into the world.
If you would like to get in touch with Jonathan Kendrick or his company, you can do it through his – LinkedIn