It’s not easy to find top-rated CBD oil brands because all the companies claim to have the best CBD oil. Truth be told, in most cases, these claims are just a trap to lure buyers. Hence, you need to know how you can spot fake or ineffective CBD oil brands. Here are some basic tips on how to find good CBD oil brands.
Transparency and Lab Testing
Transparency in a CBD product means showing all the ingredients. Reputable CBD brands list the ingredients on their product label. Another important aspect of transparency involves lab testing done by a third party. A good CBD brand will have its products tested by reputable labs, which are ISO-17025 compliant. They should also display all their ingredients and lab testing results on their website. Like in koi CBD, you will see the product’s Certificate of Analysis and also the customer reviews.
Certified Organic
High-quality CBD tinctures found here are produced from organically grown plants. Most of these types of CBD oils are certified organic by the USDA and related organizations. Some CBD brands deliberately avoid certifications from USDA because they know their products are not organic. One of the important criteria when it comes to how to choose CBD oil is the certified organic rating. High-quality CBD oil should be free from pesticides and herbicides.
Carrier Oil
An important aspect of finding good CBD oil is the carrier oil used. While CBD is meant to be water-based, some companies add fatty oils, such as MCTs, to improve the delivery and absorption. Therefore, carrier oil is critical in any high-quality CBD oil.
Types of CBD
They are three different types of CBD: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and CBD isolate.
Full-spectrum CBD contains all cannabinoids and terpenes, which provide maximum benefits. On the other hand, CBD isolate doesn’t have all other cannabis compounds.
High-quality CBD brands focus on full-spectrum formulas because they offer the maximum benefits and so-called the entourage effect. Research shows that full-spectrum formulas are much more potent than broad-spectrum and isolate. A reputable company also lists the full spectrum of ingredients and other components.
Ability to Customize
Individuals want products that offer more options to suit their tastes. Some companies offer products only in one size, which places all buyers into one category. However, high-quality brands offer CBD oil in different volumes, flavors, and dosages.
Claimed Health Benefits
Since the CBD market is saturated, some companies use false marketing tactics to promote their products. CBD oil should not claim to cure a specific ailment. Companies that do this are considered vague. In addition, the FDA hasn’t certified any CBD product as a cure for a particular disease. Therefore, be careful when choosing CBD oil.
Bottom Line
You may come across different products in a CBD store and find it overwhelming to choose the best one. However, using the tips above will help you know how to shop for CBD oil. Always research top CBD brands to know the best product for you. Also, see what you want from a CBD product before buying it.