New technologies have a profound impact on each successive generation. Generation X was influenced by the widespread availability of portable music formats like CDs and cassettes; the rise of the Internet shaped Generation Z, and social media influenced Generation Z. Of fact, technology isn’t restricted to these examples; rather, it has offered advantages and disadvantages to every generation.
Accelerating technological progress since the turn of the twentieth century makes it simple to speculate on what the next few decades may hold. The benefits and drawbacks of several cutting-edge technologies that may soon permeate our daily lives will be examined.
How Do Online Platforms Improve Our Economy and Daily Lives?
Here are the benefits of online platforms to our economy and daily lives.
Better Communication
For eons, humanity has strived to perfect the art of communication. Postal service, telegram, telephone, and Internet are all examples of revolutionary inventions that have changed the path of human history.
Although the Internet has made global communication easier and cheaper than ever before, the smartphone has brought the globe closer together by allowing users to instantly access the Internet, make phone calls, and send texts to anyone, anywhere in the world. Approximately two-thirds of the global population now owns a smartphone, and that percentage is expected to rise.
However, the development of internet platforms is bringing about a future in which people are linked to every other person and to every electronic device they own. The IoT (Internet of Things) will continue to grow, enabling people to remotely access and manage their devices and download updated software to take advantage of new capabilities.
Refrigerators and other home appliances can already do this. If you run out of food, new refrigerators can refill themselves through an internet purchase. Everything from your toaster to your sofa will be linked to the internet soon.
A Happier Life
Enhanced connectivity is just one example of how technology has improved the quality of life at home, but there are many others. There are several ways in which the proliferation of online resources has improved domestic life in recent years.
- Online Bill Pay and Money Transfers
No more running to the bank to transfer funds or sending out checks several days before their due dates to avoid late fees. It is now possible to conduct all of one’s financial transactions, including bill payments, electronically, thus completely removing the necessity for paper checks and reducing one’s exposure to paper mail.
Not only can you pay your bills online, but almost every service, from your bank to your utility company to your magazine subscription, lets you set up automated payments so you always receive all the payments and are on time.
Diversified Forms of Entertainment
Online platforms have made it easy to access a vast array of entertainment options, such as; live-streaming movie/tv show platforms, live-streaming video games, online shop platforms, online casinos, and so much more, allowing people to stay at home even when they choose to do so.
Before the advent of the digital platform era, casino players and consumers were limited to whatever was airing on television (even if they had a thousand channels) or what they had on hand in the form of CDs, DVDs, or video games. This content can now be accessed online and streamed or downloaded on any device, including smartphones, smart TVs, and personal computers.
Thanks to the proliferation of several streaming media platforms, consumers can pick their entertainment at any time and access an infinite variety of media.
Health Care Improvements
As a result of the internet and other forms of modern technology, healthcare is improving. Technological advances, such as the X-ray, MRI, and electrocardiography equipment, have allowed doctors to examine patients better and diagnose and treat previously untreatable diseases.
Doctors now have instantaneous access to patient medical histories thanks to electronic databases and the use of tablets and cellphones, allowing them to make potentially life-saving choices on the spot.
When you consider how technological advancements like pacemakers, hearing aids, and prosthetic limbs have transformed people’s access to medical treatment, it’s easy to see how much the healthcare system has benefited from technological innovation. Our health will continue to improve due to the many new medical technologies that are always being developed.
Increased Opportunity for Learning
Increased accessibility to the Internet has had a direct impact on people’s opportunities to further their education. To further one’s education, having the time and resources to attend a university physically is no longer necessary. Numerous institutions now offer courses that students can take online and finish in their spare time.
- Models of Personalized Instruction
In addition to the many online institutions where students can continue their education, there is a plethora of educational software that can be used to gain knowledge in virtually any field. These systems are getting better and better at using AI to adapt to each user’s distinct preferences for how they learn.
Transportation that is easier to use
To move from one place to another before the invention of modern transportation methods, people walked or rode animals. People have always needed to get around, which has led to the development of many modes of transportation, beginning with the cart and progressing through the boat, train, vehicle, and airplane.
These modes of transportation are becoming more time and cost-effective, allowing individuals to get where they need to go quickly and easily. It used to take more than a year to get from one end of the country to the other, but now it only takes around six or seven hours, thanks to modern aviation. Transportation will continue to benefit from technological advancements in efficiency, comfort, convenience, and security.
Rapid Advancement Is Just the Start
The rate of change in technology and internet platforms has increased throughout the years. Even though technological progress is almost always undertaken with the best intentions, it inevitably comes with unintended consequences that might negatively affect people’s daily lives. Keep an open mind about the possibility of implementing new technologies, but make sure you do your homework first.