The one element that makes the web more complicated than it needs to be is the sheer volume of available services. Therefore managed hosting services are becoming increasingly popular, but there are often high price rates however a reliable web hosting service is crucial. Managed web hosting is a convenient solution for both individuals and businesses, therefore being able to provide support and maintain your website for its optimal performance. As and when hosting applications and websites are continuously gaining in popularity, choosing the right web hosting provider can be overwhelming, therefore this article will explore the different aspects of managed web hosting.
What is managed hosting?
Making use of a managed hosting service, the provider takes on all the hardware and application management responsibilities for your consumers. While the scope of managed hosting varies greatly between hosts, the basic idea is to assist companies to reduce their reliance on in-house IT expertise.
What does the scope of managed hosting include:
- Operating system (OS) deployment and management,
- Application deployment and management
- Security monitoring
- Network infrastructure monitoring
- support.
The managed hosting service provider will therefore essentially ensure that your web environment suits the necessary application that you need to run. The server’s performance and uptime are also covered under the agreement which you enter into.
What are the different types of managed hosting services?
There are a variety of types of hosting services, some focus on certain areas of operation while others may be variations on the same solution but on different service levels.
Fully managed hosting:
This is the highest standard of managed hosting services, companies can run their business with little to no worry for their web hosting operations. From server deployment to application performance- the host has the power and ability to manage and handle everything on your behalf.
Some web hosting providers will be able to offer different variations on fully managed hosting plans. Semi-managed eliminates the part of the host’s responsibilities. Therefore they may only offer certain services but do not provide other supporting services, however, the scope will vary from host to host.
Managed app hosting:
Some providers may offer managed hosting services based only on specific applications. The managed app provider will be able to ensure that the environment for your app allows and enables it to flourish. The host will also be responsible for ensuring the app is working optimally and ensuring it is continuously updated and secure and can provide users will support that they may encounter.
Managed email services:
Large businesses today outsource their email, self-hosting email services can be a viable alternative even if your host manages your website very well.
Benefits of managed web hosting:
- Expert support: the greatest advantage of managed hosting is access to expert support. Some providers can offer 24/7 technical assistance, ensuring any issues are speedily addressed.
- Enhanced security: security should be a top priority for any website owner, therefore managed hosting providers can provide robust security measures to protect your site from threats.
- Improved performance: by utilizing advanced server technologies and optimization techniques to ensure fast loading times and reliable performance.
- Scalability: as your website grows you will need to scale your hosting resources to accommodate increased traffic and content. Managed hosting offers scalability options that allow you to upgrade your resources seamlessly ensuring your website is responsive and accessible to users.
What to consider for the best-managed hosting provider?
There are several varieties of service providers however the things to keep in mind should include:
- Web server performance.
- Service reliability
- Customer support
- Maintenance and security
- Value of services
Having and ensuring you have managed hosting services can bring many advantages to the table. However, this may be costly but greatly recommended, the trade-in of time and expertise can be greatly beneficial. Therefore when considering your managed web hosting provider you must ensure that they meet your specific requirements, budget, and long-term goals. Having managed web hosting offers a convenient solution for individuals and businesses that are looking to offload the technical burden of hosting their websites. Therefore understanding the benefits, the key features, and types of managed hosting available to businesses you will be able to make an informed decision and find the perfect fit for your online presence.