CS:GO maps are created in relatively small sizes. The T spawn on Mirage can be compared to a football pitch. Despite limited locations, the span plays a significant role throughout the gameplay. Make sure to read everything you need to know about distance in CS:GO and the related advantages.
Measuring CS:GO
The span in the game is typically indicated in meters. If you decide to use the penetration function, you will acquire data about the location targeted by the bullet. The distance covered by the bullet will be estimated in meters.
Please mind that the precise length is not a 100% necessity. It is enough to have an approximate measure. Let’s see how it works.
Different types of CS:GO weapons make shots with a relative difference from the crosshair. You can check that yourself. By checking the pit on Dust 2 and making a few shots towards A plant. You will eventually notice some inaccuracies associated with AK-47. Whatever gun you use, check the “accuracy range” aspect.
Accuracy demonstrates the correct location from which you strike and from which you could reach the target. It also demonstrates the scope from which you can expect a headshot. AK-47 has a correct content of less than 20m in a standing position and 28m while lying. Is there any practical meaning to the given nuances?
Considering the example of AK-47 and Dust 2, the ideal aim is required to reach 1 of 5 headshot. This becomes possible due to the approximate distance of 70m. And that’s not the upper limit. The span between T spawn and Ivy on Train is estimated at 100m.
Pay attention to the accuracy range in the main CS:GO schedule of CS:GO games today. Trying to overstep the set accuracy range reminds the principle of roulette. For example, AK-47 will miss every 10th shot targeted on the head from the 25m. Losing a battle in the game is going to be a great disappointment. But it can help you learn the lesson and avoid difficulties in the future.
While you can open a case for unique CS:GO weapon skins on the game itself or an affiliated site, skins don’t improve your accuracy. However, they can make you more of a target if the weapon is overly bright or large.
Missing precision is surely a bad thing to experience during gameplay. However, possible damage to the selected weapon is not less trouble. Your gun may demonstrate some false shooting in the distance. It may be hardly detectable in some cases, but it also may be problematic in others. You can split all the weapons into two categories.
The first one involves guns that have an obvious damage decline. You can check this when using MP9 in defence. In a quick fight, you need to hit 7 bullets in the enemy to eliminate an enemy. Considering the 10m span, you need one more shot to achieve certain success.
The second group involves rifles and revolvers whose damage brings less dramatic consequences. No such span where one hit in the body would be insufficient for total elimination. When it comes to assault rifles, the damage charge is not large, unlike accuracy loss.
As a goal-oriented player, you should put precision and harm together to figure out the most suitable gun for different situations. If you manage to make the right choice, you can considerably enhance the weapon’s efficiency.
CS:GO matches are usually marked with striking sounds which can be perceived from a distance. Footsteps and shots from a weapon are probably some of the most obvious examples. For example, you can hear footsteps coming from 25m. As you can guess, the sound is not going to be blocked by walls and other constructions on the way.
To catch the right moment for changing to walking mode, you should master the major spots on each map. Clarify the distance from where opponents can hear someone walking. Shooting from MP5SD shouldn’t be the best possible solution to the problem as your actions can be heard by opponents from 25 meters. When you build your action strategy, you should consider which weapon to use and from which span to minimize the risks and maximize potential efficiency.
Generally, the span value as a significant criterion for CS:GO players shouldn’t be underestimated. It is a significant element for building an effective gaming strategy that doesn’t compromise your winning potential. So make sure to master the precise distances between various spots on a map.