For many people, credit cards are a necessary form of payment. It has several advantages and is practical. It is recognized everywhere, whether you want to pay for groceries or a costly device. However, given its many benefits, it has safety issues.
Even if you haven’t fallen victim to credit card scams like phishing, a cyberattack, skimming, etc., you should still be aware of these unidentified attacks as a precaution to avoid any trouble. Let’s learn about the many forms of credit card fraud and how to prevent them.
1. The Interest Rate Scam
How it works
You get a call from an automated message informing you that your credit card’s interest rate has been reduced. You must enter your card details to continue to take advantage of the offer.
How to Keep Yourself Safe:
Most credit card issuers are not keen to lower the interest rate you are paying them. However, if the request to lower your payment is genuine, like most other “opportunities,” the provider should be happy to provide contact information or a link to a website so that you may confirm their credibility.
2. The Fraud Alert Scam
How it works
It happens when the con artist phones you and poses as a representative of your credit card company’s fraud department. They give you a claim number and make it sound official when they promise to cancel the bogus payments. They will ask you to confirm the card number and expiration date on the call before requesting the three-digit security code from your card. Thanks to your information, they now have access to your credit card.
How to Keep Yourself Safe:
Never give somebody your credit card number over the phone. Not even credit card companies. Instead, contact your credit card provider immediately if unsure about the call’s legitimacy.
3. The "Skimming" Scam
How it works
When you place your card into a card terminal, a little device is inserted to gather magnetic stripe data. As a result, the termination can frequently feel loose and look unusually worn. EMV “chip” cards are designed to lower this danger, although they haven’t completely done away with the fraud tactic.
How to Keep Yourself Safe:
A “grab test” on the payment terminal can frequently be considered a best practice. To ensure no loose plastic has been placed in the swipe/dip receptacle, quickly pull the card entry hole with your hand. If another terminal (such as a gas station or food shop) is available and you are unsure about the current one, move to it.
4. Credit Card Scam "Sign Up Farm"
How it functions
Credit card scams frequently recruit eager participants with the promise of quick cash in exchange for their assistance in generating rewards that they are persuaded are legitimate credit card benefits. People with good credit are targeted by con artists who offer to pay them $1,000 to $10,000 in exchange for using their Social Security number to open credit card accounts. The fraudsters run up enormous balances on the cards to get reward points, which they exchange for cash. Unfortunately, the victims are never compensated and are left to pay the remaining credit balances.
How to Keep Yourself Safe:
Anyone may find it difficult to resist the allure of quick money. Never give or sell anyone your Social Security number or other personal information. It is the simplest method to avoid becoming a victim of this scam.
5. Hot Spot 7 Free WiFi Scams
How it works
In credit card frauds, your smartphone or laptop locates a “public WiFi hotspot”, and when you join, you are asked to submit your credit card information to gain access.
How to Safeguard Yourself
Ask a staff member for the proper network name and password if you need to use a public WiFi hotspot at a restaurant, shop, or coffee shop. Rarely does access require a credit card number. Be cautious of networks with names that sound generic, such as “Free Public WiFi.”
6. The Hotel Front Desk Scam
How it works
It happens when con artists pretend to be hotel employees from the front desk and contact your hotel room. They assert a computer system issue, so they must verify or process your credit card information again. Scammers will call at odd night hours or early morning to catch you off guard.
How to keep oneself safe:
Most hotels keep a record of your credit card information but don’t charge you for the stay until you leave. The hotel will provide you with adequate notice if there is an issue with your card. Without an emergency, hotel staff will never phone a guest without permission. Additionally, handle all your financial transactions at the front desk and in-person.
7. Telephone Scam to Reduce Credit Card Debt
How it works
The scammer calls out of the blue and claims to be from your credit card company. They promise to work with your creditors to settle your debt or minimize repayment requirements. They then ask you for a sizable upfront payment but do little to help you reduce or pay your debt.
How to Keep Yourself Safe:
If you get a call like this offering to help you settle your debt in exchange for a fee, hang up right away. Demanding upfront payment for debt settlement services is against the law. These con artists target the most vulnerable people—those who are in debt or have poor credit.
How to Prevent Credit Card Scams?
If you have fallen prey to a credit card scam, you know how cunning or convincing scammers can be. Every year, many people become victims of these frauds. Learning is essential for self-defense. Never answer the phone when a credit card company calls and requests your personal information.
Online purchasing demands that the website employ a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security certificate to protect data passing over the address, which is the conventional and best advice while shopping online. Keep your internet purchasing to a private home network connection wherever possible. In addition to allowing you to “mask” your payment information using a tokenized card number, the rise of payment proxy websites like PayPal and mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay also helps to secure your card credentials in the case of a hack.
It occurs when fraudsters steal the information from your credit card and either use it to make purchases or sell it to other criminals. If the fraudsters exceed your credit card limit, it can even impact your credit record. Be careful when making transactions and providing your personal details to anyone or any website to avoid credit card scams.