Websites are being hacked daily. This may result in the hacker taking over your system or holding your files to ransom. As a company, you must protect your customer’s identity information, which could be stolen if you have not taken measures to prevent it. The most secure websites are those that make use of numerous layers of protection.
Back Up Your Data
In the event that you are hacked, having your information securely backed up will prevent you from losing your critical files and being unable to operate. Backups should be stored off-site, for example, on a home computer or a hard drive, depending on the volume of files you have. You can also back them up to a secure server.
Choosing a Super Strong Password
You have probably heard this one before – choose a strong password. But what exactly does that mean? Check here for tips on creating good passwords. This site explains how criminals can obtain your passwords. Password managers are available to remember your passwords. Just make sure to change the password for the manager often.
Make sure that employees have to change their passwords frequently and that only three login attempts are allowed from the same IP address. While hackers often use different IP addresses, it makes it harder and more likely that they will try an easier target.
Limit Employee Access
Employees are often the weak point in your internet security. They can go onto sites that compromise the safety of a network or open a link in an email that permits access to hackers. Have an IT policy in place and remind staff of it regularly. Limit access to your website by dedicating one or two people to updating it.
Encrypt Your Login Pages
SSL stands for secure sockets layer. SSL encryption ensures that sensitive information like credit card numbers is meaningless when intercepted by a third party. Thus, SSL will also keep login credentials and social security numbers from being accessed. This will help you to protect your customers’ details and ensure trust in your company.
Do Updates Immediately
When your platform or software provider releases updates, this means that they have already detected a vulnerability that hackers can take advantage of. The update fixes the issue so all updates should be installed promptly to have the latest and safest versions.
Website Maintenance
Website maintenance is crucial to your online security. Website maintenance also involves keeping your website interesting with a fresh look to impress visitors and maintaining an online presence, for example through blogs. When done well, it can positively impact your search engine optimisation (SEO) so that potential customers can find your site ahead of competitors’ websites. This can be time-consuming, and you may not have the in-house capability to do a good job. Many businesses are outsourcing their website maintenance.
Invest In a Good Malware Solution
Malware is short for malicious software. Criminals use various hacks that allow them to place malware in your system that can provide them with a back door to your confidential information or allow them to steal information or make changes to your data. Invest in the best malware detection solution you can afford. Read reviews and go with well-known names.
Have your website security checked by an expert and implement these and other methods to ensure the integrity of your data online.