"Consistency, passion, hard work are secrets to becoming successful CEO."
Noman Jahangir Tweet
Meet Noman Jahangir. CEO of NJV Marketing, an SEO and digital marketing company. He has experience of more than 5 years in digital marketing. Noman has been running his agency for over 2 years. His company works in creative and innovative ways.
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Welcome to your ValiantCEO exclusive interview! Let’s start with a little introduction. Tell us about yourself.
Noman Jahangir: My name is Noman Jahangir . I am from Pakistan. I have a degree in Chartered accountancy. I am currently CEO of NJV Marketing. An SEO agency providing digital marketing solutions.
NO child ever says I want to be a CEO when I grow up. What did you want to be and how did you get to where you are today? Give us some lessons you learned along the way.
Noman Jahangir: I never thought to be a CEO of a digital marketing company but as time passes I started to think about marketing, brand awareness, online marketing, content marketing. It was not an easy start, I started my career as a freelancer and then I did a job in a reputable SEO firm. At the start, I had a very small base of clients but today I am a successful person with a large base of clients. The lesson I learned is consistency, you must be consistent to achieve your goals.
Tell us about your business, what does the company do? What is unique about the company?
Noman Jahangir: My Company NJV Marketing is a Digital marketing company that provides SEO, brand reputation management, and PPC ads services. The unique thing about my company is its hard-working employees and high driven results.
How to become a CEO? Some will focus on qualities, others on degrees, how would you answer that question?
Noman Jahangir: CEO is a word that covers the responsibilities in it. It’s a high standard job, you have to take all responsibility on your shoulders. It is a hard job. CEO depends on his passion for the job, if the CEO has a passion for his job then he must be successful one day.
What are the secrets to becoming a successful CEO? Who inspires you, who are your role models and why? Illustrate your choices.
Noman Jahangir: Consistency, passion, hard work are secrets to becoming successful CEO. Elon Musk inspires me due to his creativity and innovation.
Many CEOs fall into the trap of being all over the place. What are the top activities a CEO should focus on to be the best leader the company needs? Explain.
Noman Jahangir: A CEO should look for growth opportunities, fill the gaps, always look for improvements. The best leader is one who focuses both on his company weaknesses and strengths
The Covid-19 Pandemic put the leadership skills of many to the test, what were some of the most difficult challenges that you faced as a CEO/Leader in the past year? Please list and explain in detail.
Noman Jahangir: Covid 19 impacts everybody all over the world. It has impacted our company too. We had to work from home, we faced connectivity issues, slow work rate, low performances at the start but we start getting normal as days passed on.
What are some of the greatest mistakes you’ve noticed some business leaders made during these unprecedented times? What are the takeaways you gleaned from those mistakes?
Noman Jahangir: The biggest mistakes they done are downsizing and not being able to see alternatives. Work from home and other creative steps are surely missed by business leaders.
In your opinion, what changes played the most critical role in enabling your business to survive/remain profitable, or maybe even thrive? What lessons did all this teach you?
Noman Jahangir: Change in the culture of our company, everyone can speak and contribute in decision making has changed my company. I learned that employees are assets of a company and they should take part in the decision making
What is the #1 most pressing challenge you’re trying to solve in your business right now?
Noman Jahangir: Finding new clients.
You already shared a lot of insights with our readers and we thank you for your generosity. Normally, leaders are asked about their most useful qualities but let’s change things up a bit. What is the most useless skill you have learned, at school or during your career?
Noman Jahangir: Algebra is the most useless subject I ever learned in my school and I still feel bad for it.
Thank you so much for your time but before we finish things off, we do have one more question. We will select these answers for our ValiantCEO Award 2021 edition. The best answers will be selected to challenge the award.
Share with us one of the most difficult decisions you had to make, this past year 2021, for your company that benefited your employees or customers. What made this decision so difficult and what were the positive impacts
Noman Jahangir: Work from home is the decision I had to take and at the start, it really made me upset, slow results, bad performances but thanks to the best employees who did not lose hope and cope up with those difficulties. I gave flexible work timings to all employees which benefited the company to great extent and we started getting more clients and revenues.
Mike Weiss, VIP Contributor to ValiantCEO and the host of this interview would like to thank Noman Jahangir for taking the time to do this interview and share his knowledge and experience with our readers.
If you would like to get in touch with Noman Jahangir or his company, you can do it through his – Twitter
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