Testosterone Enanthate 300mg is one of the most popular mass gainer AAS in the domestic market. The high popularity of this steroid is associated with good performance. In addition, enanthate is well studied by scientists and is guaranteed not to bring you surprises on the course. In our online store you can buy testosterone enanthate at an attractive price.
Testosterone enanthate is a long-acting steroid. After the introduction, he is able to work for at least two weeks. Thanks to this, you do not have to do frequent injections. The active component of AAS is similar in almost everything to endogenous testosterone. The only exception is the half-life. Indicators of anabolic and androgenic activity are 100 percent each.
The Effect of Taking Testosterone Enanthate 300MG
Subject to all recommendations, athletes can get the following effects from taking testosterone enanthate:
- The volume of muscles increases rapidly.
- The index of mineralization of bone tissues increases, which leads to their strengthening.
- Power parameters and working capacity increase.
- The condition of all elements of the joints improves, and pain in these parts of the body is also eliminated.
In addition, a powerful pumping effect can be achieved on the course due to the ability of the drug to stimulate the activity of the hematopoietic system.
Solo Course Testosterone Enanthate
Since the drug has a long half-life, it is enough to make a maximum of 2 injections for seven days. The weekly dosage of testosterone enanthate is 250-750 mg. The duration of the course is 2-3 months. Recall the need to use aromatase inhibitors to eliminate the estrogenic activity of the drug. After the withdrawal of the steroid, PCT is mandatory.
Dosages and Route of Administration
- Beginners can use 200-250mg per week.
- Amateurs achieve the desired result at 300-500 mg.
- Professionals require 500-1000 mg.
- In rare cases, the most experienced and advanced athletes inject up to 2000 mg per week.
Side Effects of Testosterone Enanthate 300MG
Aromatization of testosterone enanthate 300mg can cause estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia and high blood pressure. They can be compensated by the simultaneous use of antiestrogenic drugs. Among the androgenic side effects, which are usually not noticeable at moderate doses, are baldness, acne, and increased body hair growth.
Enanthate reduces the amount of high-density lipoproteins, which negatively affects the cardiovascular system. Long-term use of exogenous testosterone suppresses the production of its own, so it takes time to restore it after the end of the cycle. It can increase aggression, therefore it is forbidden for people with mental illness.PCT after Testosterone Enanthate
Post-cycle therapy is especially important if large doses of the drug or a combination of two or more hormones were used. To suppress the antiestrogenic effects, Tamoxifen or Anastrozole is recommended. Clomid will help accelerate the production of your own testosterone after the abolition of synthetic. To maintain the resulting muscle mass, growth hormone, insulin, Clenbuterol are used.
Combined reception
You can buy testosterone enanthate in combination with other steroids and drugs that protect against side effects. This is possible due to the compatibility of the components of course therapy. The following courses are used for different purposes:
- Muscle growth and strength: Testosterone Enanthate is supplemented with Stanozolol.
- Qualitative set of muscle mass: in combination with Boldenone and Turinabol.
- Adding new fibers in parallel with drying: plus Winstrol and Trenbolone Acetate.
- Maximum drying: add Masteron, Trenbolone Acetate, Stanozolol.
The price of the enanthate test is justified by its pronounced effect, good study, and safety profile. Also depends on the manufacturer. You can buy testosterone enanthate in our store, where the original drug from global suppliers is presented at an affordable cost. Authenticity and quality are guaranteed by certificates of conformity.