If you analyze the cryptocurrency market to find out which of its technologies is the fastest growing, it turns out that this is the technology of decentralized finance (DeFi). The rapid progress of DeFi motivates developers to create more and more decentralized applications (DApps). Starting the development process of any DApp, its author needs to create a full-fledged node to connect to the blockchain. However, this process is often quite complex and expensive. Moreover, the developer often needs to have specialized knowledge on how to build and manage the blockchain infrastructure.
In addition, the more popular an ecosystem, such as Ethereum, becomes, the more power must be spent to ensure the operation of its blockchain. This means that it takes more time to create each network node, and the nodes themselves consume more and more energy. In addition, each node needs constant checking of its operation and periodic maintenance. The service will help ease the tasks of developers in managing a Self-hosted cluster.
Terms and definitions
Returning to analytical studies of the rapid growth of DeFi technology, we can state that over the past year, at least one in ten Americans have made investments in cryptocurrencies. And this means that at the hearing and in the everyday life of an increasing number of people such words as “blockchain”, “node”, “cluster” are heard. And in order for you to understand what is the advantage of using the products that the service offers, let’s see what is the role of the above concepts in the activities of DApp developers.
So, the basis of any ecosystem operating in the cryptocurrency market is blockchain technology. Its essence is easy to understand. It lies in the fact that all information about completed interactions, or, in other words, transactions, is unified and stored in blocks sequentially linked to each other in a structure resembling a chain. A significant advantage of blockchain technology is the fact that once a block of information has been uploaded to the blockchain, it becomes impossible to change or delete it. It follows that the purpose of the blockchain is to be able to record and distribute information but not to change it. So, a blockchain is a distributed database that is stored on a large number of nodes. Any information about a new block is immediately distributed to the nodes, which means that the nodes are a reflector of the most up-to-date data.
What are nodes? A node is essentially any computer that is connected to a blockchain network. To ensure the interaction of modes with each other in order to exchange information, the P2P protocol has been developed. The nodes can store both all information about the blockchain, and some part of it. There are several types of nodes: full node, lightweight node, master node, super node. If we go to the website of a particular ecosystem at a certain address, we can see the so-called “full node map” and use it to determine in which geographical points of the planet the full nodes of the desired ecosystem are currently active.
In cases where a group of servers serves a unified service and forms access to this service, then the set of these servers is called a cluster. Each physical server in this cluster is called a cluster node. Cluster nodes located in different locations are referred to as “geographically distributed cluster nodes”.
About Cluster Maintenance
The location of the cluster nodes in different locations contributes to the fact that the operation of the service will continue even in cases where one or more nodes fail. In other words, one of the most important indicators of the effective operation of a cluster is its fault tolerance. Some companies, especially large ones, deploy and maintain clusters on their own, considering it a cheaper option than ordering these services from a provider. But is it always justified? In fact, it is not enough just to deploy a cluster by spending money on a good specialist. After some time, the cluster will start having problems related to the configuration, disks, controller manager, etc. In addition, there are new needs for work, which means that the cluster must develop. In other words, the cluster, as a separate ecosystem, must be constantly maintained. In many cases, the most profitable option will be the opportunity to use the services, the benefits of which you can learn by visiting the website, as well as reading the reviews.