"At least when you work for yourself, if you have the right mindset, you can create something that you can always rely on."
Douglas Boyer Tweet
Douglas Boyer is a dedicated entrepreneur, husband, and father. He earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration from Dixie State University.
As the owner and CEO of Doug Boyer Production, he has spent the past five years focusing on helping businesses and influencers build their online brand through social media content on platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and Podcasts.
With his extensive experience, Douglas has gained a deep understanding of the intricacies of social media, digital marketing, and content creation.
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Thank you for joining us today! Let’s start off with a little introduction. Please introduce yourself to our readers by sharing your story.
Douglas Boyer: Hello! My name is Doug Boyer, and I am the owner/CEO of Doug Boyer Productions. I am a husband and a father to three handsome boys. I was born and raised for part of my youth in a small town called North Pole, Alaska. Yes. You read that right.
I am from the North Pole. Just before I turned 16 I moved from Alaska to Provo, UT and graduated from Provo High School. I played three years of college football at Dixie State University and Southern Virginia University as a Wide Receiver and Tight End and graduated in 2018 with my bachelor’s in business administration.
I grew up in a pretty humble situation. Nonetheless, I had a great childhood. My father was a great role model and worked hard to put food on the table. My mother raised eight children with me being the youngest. How my parents were able to raise eight children on basically one income, I will never know. But I am forever grateful to them for them and their sacrifices.
While going through college I always felt that there was something better than doing what my dad did. Again, no offense to him at all. But I know that he missed out on so many opportunities to create wealth and spend time with his family and also lower his stress levels.
I wanted to break free from the traditional “go to college and get a job” lifestyle. I didn’t fully embrace that desire until I was let go from my job during the beginning of COVID. Now, I am self employed and working on building something bigger than myself.
What is your favorite item you’ve bought in the past months and why?
Douglas Boyer: My favorite item that I bought was, by far, my two cameras. This may not mean much to those who aren’t in the photo/video world, but my Sony A7Siii and my Sony A7iv have been the lifeblood of my business.
These two cameras are right at the line of being cinema cameras, and they are both super versatile. I can create anything from simple social media content, to full on cinema productions with them.
Life is like a box of chocolates…What unexpected surprises did life grant you that contributed to your success?
Douglas Boyer: I was working as an employee for a county here in Utah doing all their sports and adventure marketing. When the pandemic hit, I was told that I was being let go. Luckily, about a year prior, I had picked up a camera for the first time and had already started perfecting my craft.
When I found out I was being let go, I had a decision to make. Do I go look for another job? Or do bet on myself and start a production company? I’m happy to say that I picked the latter! It has been an amazing journey, and It has taught me so many valuable lessons on self-determination and entrepreneurship.
Tell us about the job. Is there any exciting project you’re currently working on?
Douglas Boyer: So as a “solopreneur” I basically do it all. I find the clients through marketing and networking, then convert them into clients that I work with on a regular basis. Then comes the creative side of my job. I have to sit down with these clients and discuss what content they want and where we are going to film.
The biggest part of my job is making sure that my clients feel comfortable and confident about what they are doing and saying while we are filming and that they are confident that we will be able to leverage this content to help them get sales, leads, etc. Then I gotta go and edit the actual footage. Sometimes it’s an easy edit, other times it takes a lot of time to go through the whole project.
Right now, the most exciting thing that I am working on is a new business where we help businesses and entrepreneurs with YouTube Channel and Podcast creation. These two things are critical for building a brand online. It also kills MULTIPLE birds with one stone.
I say multiple because not only are you creating YouTube connect and podcast content in one filming session, but you also get little sound bites and short video clips that can be taken from the YouTube video and repurposed for other social media platform.
This will build your brand across all platforms and if done correctly, get your YouTube channel monetized which will in turn help provide an additional revenue stream for your business. This brings so much value to my clients!
Sir Richard Branson famously stated that “Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.” As a CEO/leader how do you feel about this philosophy and if you agree with it, how do you implement that in your company? Conversely, if you disagree, explain why and how do you do things differently?
Douglas Boyer: I don’t currently have any employees that work for me. However, I have hired independent contractors to help me with some of my jobs, and I can definitely say that when you treat them right, they treat your business right.
From my experience as an employee, I can say that those companies that I worked for in the past that made sure I was taken care of, I would go out of my way to make sure I took care of them. Even if it meant staying at work longer than I was supposed to or doing extra things that weren’t my responsibility.
I believe that when employees see that their leaders are willing to make them a priority, things run much more smoothly in your business.
The COVID pandemic raised a lot of polarizing politically charged issues. According to ‘The Harris Poll’, 75% of Americans said that they would avoid taking a position on political issues if they were CEOs. We would love to know your thoughts about this. Is it better to take a political position or to avoid it completely When it comes to being a great CEO/Leader, do you have one name that comes to mind, please share with us how they influence the CEO you are today? What lessons did they teach you over the years?
Douglas Boyer: I love this question! As much as we may not want to admit it, the US economy is being split into two. I have seen a second economy emerge based on marketing to those with more conservative values. I think that people attach themselves to brands and products that speak to their own morals and values.
These morals and values can elicit strong emotions. Now we all know that most people are emotional buyers. So why wouldn’t a company, brand, or individual use this to their advantage? I think that there are many examples of this in our economy with brands like Black Rifle Coffee Co, DailyWire, etc.
The way I see it, people are going to assume I am either with them or against them so I might as well make it known where I really stand on things. People are attracted to polarizing figures. So if you’re willing to put up with public criticism, I think we should all let our morals and values show.
You have been very generous with your time and knowledge. Our readers would also love to know, What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? and what is the advice you give the most often to new team members?
Douglas Boyer: I would say the best advice/thing that has ever happened to me was when I was let go from my 9 am to 5 pm job and I was forced to figure it out on my own. They say that there is good job security in having a steady job with a set salary and benefits and the whole nine yards.
But in my opinion, you have about as much security in that, if not less, than working for yourself. There is always job security working for someone until they don’t need you any more or if it doesn’t make economical sense.
At least when you work for yourself, if you have the right mindset, you can create something that you can always rely on.
What is one key thing you want to achieve at this moment, and what do you need to overcome to reach your goal?
Douglas Boyer: One thing that I would like to achieve is to start making some residual income. I want my money to work for me and not for me to work for my money. I would say that the biggest hurdle I have in front of me is learning to be disciplined and to stay focused on my goal.
There are so many things in this life that distracts us from the things that we truly want. Working in the social media industry, it is easy for me to start looking at what other people are doing and their successes and to become depressed about the little progress I feel I have made.
It is when I am able to snap out of it and I’m able to focus on what I’m currently doing and what my plans are for the future when I make the most progress.
Thank you so much for your time but before we say goodbye, we do have one more unusual question. If you ask yourself any question what would it be and how would you answer it?
Douglas Boyer: If I had to ask myself a question I would ask myself, “what gets you up every day? What keeps you going?” Turns out, I ask myself this question a lot. The answer to this question is undoubtedly my beautiful wife and my three amazing boys.
I am trying to create a life that they can feel secure in. I want my boys to see how hard I work for something so that I can instill that same work ethic into them. I want to create a life where I can spend time with my family whenever and however I want to. That is what gets me up every day.
Jed Morley, VIP Contributor to ValiantCEO and the host of this interview would like to thank Douglas Boyer for taking the time to do this interview and share his knowledge and experience with our readers.
If you would like to get in touch with Douglas Boyer or his company, you can do it through his – Instagram
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