December 18, 2020 6 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
In recent months, ecommerce penetration in Mexico has been 39%, with a growth projection of 55% by the end of the year. As a result, digital ad spend this year will be 12% higher than in 2019, but are we really prepared to perform better when we need more ad spend ?
When we refer to a successful business model, we think of innovation and the best identification of opportunities, as well as investment plans; However, this may be insufficient, especially when we talk about managing and taking advantage of high consumption seasons such as the one that began with the Good End and that will end with the Three Kings season in the first week of 2021. To ensure that each ecommerce project be sustainable and generate new and more connections to be able to maintain in low seasons, a digital marketing strategy optimized for each season will undoubtedly be necessary.
What will be the real secret for companies to have a strong exposure of their products or services making their advertising investment have the best return? The answer is undoubtedly technology .
The first thing to think about is the application of intelligent marketing strategies in digital media, and the methodical and appropriate use of tools for each of the sales stages of the commercial funnel. One of the great advances of digital marketing to achieve the above is Artificial Intelligence (AI) , its effectiveness can guarantee the total optimization of various digital advertising campaigns.
The new technologies and processes to develop a digital marketing strategy in which the leading companies in the market leverage, have given us 3 keys with which we can maximize the performance of campaigns, and a successful return:
Identify the new consumer and their context. If we analyze the last stage of the year, for example, we traditionally know that it is cheaper to acquire new customers, since there is a greater tendency to buy, so it could be the ideal time to invest in campaigns that attract consumers to our e-commerce .
Artificial intelligence can provide a deeper understanding of customers and their new buying habits, which will allow, in addition to a more accurate and personalized offer, to predict their purchase intention and the development of new points of contact, as well as a collection of much more valuable data, which when analyzed, will allow us to continue learning from our consumers and make better decisions, for example, in the use of less intrusive messages and the development of more honest content and attached to the context of our prospects.
It is necessary to remember that each consumer is unique, dynamic and with a constant evolution of habits.
Reconnecting with those customers who have already bought from us, and having campaigns for buyers who entered the site, but did not make purchases, or those who have bought, but have not done so in months (sleeping), is usually a good strategy to differentiate ourselves from the rest of our competitors, since, through technology and consequently through our marketing campaigns, we will be able to understand the different contexts in which they have bought or not. This understanding will allow us a more personalized approach and a more accurate offer.
This, known as retargeting , fosters our brand presence and drives conversions. Instead of generic advertising, visitors see increasingly personalized ads based on their own habits, preferences, shopping experience or individual browsing, allowing campaigns to focus on the most relevant customers, remind them of the brand and encourage them to buy from new with the best option, that is us.
Artificial Intelligence improves the performance of these campaigns and allows you to generate content adapted to the profiles of your potential consumers. Advertising messages that use these new methodologies turn out to be up to 50% more effective than those of campaigns based on traditional automation tools.
Going back to customers who have already bought you in a more personalized way will always be an excellent option. Reminding them that we are still there and that we have the most suitable offer according to their context and new consumption habits, is one of the most effective digital marketing solutions, since it will not only allow us to adapt the message of our products and services to their reality and constant changes, but present them at the right time.
A solution based on Artificial Intelligence not only allows us a new, more efficient approach, but it will also be able to analyze our consumers to determine their purchase intention, that is to say “predict” in which products our target audiences might be interested in the future. which will help to create more refined campaigns based on more real data.
The new technologies that are available today can help companies to maintain sustained growth and determine more intelligently where or when their advertising investment should be applied, since new advances in digital matter are capable of adapting , learn and reach smarter conclusions with a larger amount of data and at a higher speed.
We know that digital adaptation has been a challenge, but today we can conclude that advances such as AI will determine a new way to speed up the much desired return on advertising investment, thanks to its effectiveness. Only those who manage to see the above will remain online, out of reach of their competitors and with a complete evolution that will lead them to have a more forceful presence throughout the customer journey, and therefore, surely more profitable.