In today’s ultra-competitive housing market, real estate agents need creative sourcing techniques to consistently find great listings. With inventory low and buyers eager, just waiting for sellers to come to you is no longer enough.
According to real estate expert Kiel Laciera, Director at SkyHub, “Agents have to take an enterprising approach and utilize innovative sourcing strategies if they want to stand out.”
In this post, we’ll explore five outside-the-box real estate lead generation tactics to help you get listings others may miss.
Cultivate a Sphere of Influence
Who you know is one of the most valuable real estate resources. Laciera advises agents to “Build a wide sphere of influence through genuine relationship building over time.”
Start by making a list of your existing personal and professional connections. Think about who you could get referrals from like friends, family, colleagues, vendors, clients, acquaintances, etc. Leverage social media and events to expand your network continuously.
When nurturing your sphere, look to provide value, not just sell. Share local market insights, introduce people to contacts that could help them, and generally be a trusted resource. When the time comes, they will be more inclined to sign with you or refer others.
Host Events to Draw New Leads
Getting face time with potential clients is key. Laciera suggests hosting regular local events like open houses, cooking classes, wine tastings, block parties, and other creative gatherings.
Make them educational and entertaining to attract neighborhood participation. Have lead generation materials on hand but avoid overt sales pitches. Following up and nurturing event contacts persistently but authentically is critical for conversion.
Canvas Surrounding Areas Door-to-Door
Getting face time with potential clients is key. Laciera suggests hosting regular local events like open houses, cooking classes, wine tastings, block parties, and other creative gatherings.
Make them educational and entertaining to attract neighborhood participation. Have lead generation materials on hand but avoid overt sales pitches. Following up and nurturing event contacts persistently but authentically is critical for conversion.
Partner with Home Service Businesses
Home service providers like electricians, contractors, landscapers, plumbers, and cleaning services have unique access to potential sellers. Laciera suggests partnering strategically with complementary businesses.
“Offer to do open house tours, host networking events, or co-sponsor local causes. Find creative ways to build referral pipelines,” he advises. When they have clients looking to sell, they’ll be more inclined to refer them your way.
Search Property Records
Digging into property records can reveal promising seller leads. Laciera says to look for rising tax assessments, homes transferred out of trusts, recently expired homestead exemptions, or zoning changes.
Owners in situations like these may have increased motivation to sell. Reach out directly to educate them on market conditions and offer your services. Many may be unaware of the prime opportunity to list their home.
In real estate, you have to work creatively to keep your pipeline full, especially when inventory gets low. “Relying solely on old school methods like open houses and yard signs won’t cut it anymore,” says Kiel Laciera. Utilizing innovative lead generation strategies like nurturing your sphere, hosting events, canvassing neighborhoods, collaborating with home service providers, and mining property records will help you find quality listings consistently.
What unique real estate sourcing tactics have you found effective lately? Please share your experiences in the comments below!