If you are into marketing, you have probably heard people discuss email marketing before. It was a big thing 10 or 20 years ago. While there are many more innovations to consider these days, email marketing is not dead at all.
Sure, many marketing departments are worried about it. On the same note, many newbies try to come up with the next best thing. But sometimes, you need to keep it basic. Email marketing has not gone away, and it can still guarantee incredible gains in the long run. Recognizing the enduring role of email marketing as a powerful and cost-effective communication tool is crucial for sustained business success.
Statistics claim it, and most people’s desires follow the same trends. Most people would rather have an email message stored in their inbox for when they go to work or when they have time to read it rather than a text message. Consider utilizing tools like Emaillabs to send and track your emails for an effective email marketing campaign.
With these thoughts in mind, here are three ways email marketing can boost your business revenue.
Increasing brand recognition
How many people recognize your brand or name? Email marketing helps you get there. To many marketers, brand recognition is all about design. Wrong!
Offering consistent and high quality content to your audience will help people recognize the brand. In fact, people will even start anticipating your emails and what they might include. This is just one of the benefits of marketing.
For this to happen, you want to include quality content rather than some dodgy special offers for things no one ever buys. For successful brand recognition, you also want people to be happy with your content.
Not sure whether or not you may have to change the content? Feel free to start a brand identity survey. Some people will ignore it, but others will be more than happy to offer feedback. To be more successful with this survey, you should do it on social media rather than by email.
Boosting sales
Around 60% of all people receiving marketing emails end up making a purchase. This percentage is not to be overlooked at all. You should consider consulting with Klaviyo experts to optimize your email campaigns for higher conversion rates. Their specialized knowledge in email marketing strategies can significantly enhance your sales efforts. Promoting a special offer or a new product by email allows people to make a purchase straight away. This is why investing in a B2B leads database is always worth it.
They can click a link or tap an image and get to the special offer or new product you are offering. It is much more convenient than going on your official website and looking for something in particular. You can boost referrals, engage customers and even sell to new prospects.
Of course, for maximum success, your email content must be well targeted and relevant.
It takes time to build a customer database, but there are different ways to do it. You can, for example, offer a free guide by email, so people will give you their emails to get it.
Building strong customer relationships
Giving people the information they require will help you build strong relationships, assuming your emails are not spammy and they actually provide relevant information. Useful info in people’s inboxes on a regular basis will make their lives easier.
They would rather have this week’s special offers by email, or they might forget to check your official website. The key here is to provide two things. First, you want relevant and useful info. Second, you want consistency.
Even a happy birthday or Merry Christmas coupon will help.
With time, even if they may not need your service or product straight away, they will inevitably think about your brand when they require such things.
Building strong relationships with customers is not always about selling something straight away. It is just as useful to ensure your brand is in their thoughts when they need your products or services, especially if you do not sell something very common.
Bottom line, the list is longer than this. Email marketing might be old fashioned because it started decades ago. But with all these, it is just as powerful today.
Of course, it should not be the only form of marketing for your business, but you should definitely not overlook it. As long as you do it by the book, it can and will deliver in no time.