There are many leadership principles that can be applied to any situation, and this is often why many people like to learn about them. The important thing to remember when using these principles though, is that they must be applied consistently, both as a leader, and as a person in general. Here are the 11 leadership principles that most successful people use on a consistent basis.
Constant Reflection
As leaders, we are always looking to improve ourselves, and this means constantly reflection on our actions and our effectiveness. Those who live by leadership principles to understand that self improvement is just as important to their success as it is to that of others. If you set the bar too high, then inevitably, you will raise it again. Whether you are interviewing for a new job at Amazon or drafting a memo to your team, try to check your performance periodically, both with your team and externally. This is one of the most important 11 leadership principles there is.
Accepting the Challenge
Those who strive to be great at what they do, generally tend to view challenges as opportunities, rather than problems. As a leader however, if you do not see challenges as opportunities, then you may think that nothing can happen. While this may seem to be true, it is not. By assessing a situation logically, and approaching it with a positive mindset, leaders can view it as an opportunity, which can then be used to further their success.

Learning from History
Great leaders have studied the history of successful leadership and are able to relate to the past, as well as the future. By doing this, they can better understand the strengths and weaknesses of their opponents and use these to their advantage. In addition, great leaders can learn from the mistakes of their predecessors and use these to improve themselves. Great leaders tend to always be looking for the best way to improve their process, products, or services. They view things as a number, instead of an individual.
Being Excited About Their Role
One of the main principles of leadership is being enthusiastic about your role, and what you are expected to do. Great leaders are enthusiastic about what they are doing, and are in total control of their emotions. Great leaders know how to make decisions based on facts and figures, while having the courage to stand up for themselves when others may rule them. You must be excited about your role, and what you are expected to do.
Setting High Standards
Another of the 11 leadership principles that you should never forget is “set high standards”. Just because you feel like you are doing a good job, does not mean that your work is the best there is. Do not set low standards for yourself, but instead, set high standards for others, and yourself. If you do this, you will be amazed at how often you get what you want, and how hard it actually is to get what you don’t want! Be confident in your ability, and set high standards.
Developing Company Culture
Here’s one of the other 11 leadership principles that you should never forget. Even if you are among the best leaders in the world, and even if there are hundreds of great leaders out there, if your company culture is terrible, none of them will be happy to work for you. You can either change the culture or leave the company. You should never rely on what you have to rely on, such as what you hear others say. Find out what really works for your company, and build on that.
Avoid being arrogant
One thing many people learn early in their careers is that leaders must keep their demeanor under control. They cannot seem to do any wrong and become too cocky which can be very off-putting to others. To be effective, leaders must maintain an air of self-confidence even if it means that they are a little arrogant at times becuase it is an important part of the 11 leadership principles
Be honest and transparent
Honesty and transparency are often the keys to success. Leaders must be honest with themselves and with others. If you are striving to be a leader but are worried about being seen as dishonest or a fake because you are not willing to share all of your secrets, this could be a big problem. Honesty and transparency are principles that are hard to learn alone, but once you understand them, you will be able to lead effectively and ethically.
Lead from the top
When it comes to being a leader, you must take the bull by the horns and literally walk to the top. You need to be the person that people want to follow. Once you become the leader that people look up to and want to follow, then you can create amazing results and have an impact on your industry. If you are someone who is not happy with your current leadership position, then become a leader first and then work to get better.Lead from the top.

All of these are great 11 leadership principles to follow, but some of the most important include: leadership is learning, influence is getting others to see what you are doing, and creativity is having fun. When you are a leader, it is your job to learn new things, to influence others to see your way of thinking, and to have fun doing it. If you can do these things, then you will become an amazing leader.